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Short service description for 72e.net

77e net is a robust and holistic technology service center providing a variety of digital solutions to businesses to bolster their online identity. Among its expansive service range, 72e.net specializes in HTML5 development, offering dynamic, responsive, SEO-friendly websites. They tailor all their developments to meet rising market trends and customer demands, incorporating the power of JavaScript and CSS3 to ensure scalability and high performance of the websites. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for 72e.net article.

Established in 2005, the company has successfully served more than 3251 clients, creating 1602 unique website designs and launching over 130 thousand websites. These remarkable achievements exemplify 72e.net’s commitment to innovation, quality, and meeting stringent deadlines.

72e.net also provides comprehensive SEO optimization services, helping businesses rank higher in search engines for better visibility and higher organic traffic. With their expertise in O2O (Online-to-Offline) solutions, the company bridges the gap between physical and digital channels for businesses, providing a seamless user experience.

Moreover, they offer a variety of services, including CRM systems, effectively addressing businesses’ requirements for customer relationship management, tracking customer interaction, and streamlining marketing efforts. Special support for SSL certificate installations is another facet of their multi-pronged approach to empower businesses digitally.

72e.net further showcases its commitment to excellence with steady service upgrades highlighted in their timeline spanning from 2005 to 2023. More than just a service provider, 72e.net serves as a reliable technology partner for its clients, supporting them at every stage of their digital journey.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Shared Hosting$2.26 - $10.02
Cloud Hosting$14.90 - $60.14

Shared Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 199.99 MB
Bandwidth: 35.02 GB
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 1000.04 MB
Bandwidth: 84.99 GB
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 500.02 MB
Bandwidth: 84.99 GB
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 4.88 GB
Bandwidth: 1000.04 GB
Number of Sites: Unlimited

Cloud Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 80 GB
CPU: 1 core
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Space: 120 GB
CPU: 2 cores
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Space: 150 GB
CPU: 4 cores
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Space: 300 GB
CPU: 8 cores
Bandwidth: Unlimited

Web Hosting Review for 72e.net: Fostering Digital Transformation in China

Hello, tech enthusiasts, and respected HostLecture readers! Today, we train our lens on a Chinese web hosting and digital solution provider—72e.net. Let’s jump right into our Web Hosting Review for 72e.net.

Introduction: Web Hosting Review for 72e.net

Kicking off our Web Hosting Review for 72e.net, the platform presents itself as a complete digital solutions provider. With a robust portfolio that extends from 2005 till now, their services cover web hosting, cloud technologies, and digital transformations.

Services Offered: Web Hosting Review for 72e.net.

Deepening our Web Hosting Review for 72e.net, their collection of services boasts of OEM support, SSL certification, CRM, and O2O e-commerce services. It looks like they are focused on helping businesses grow and secure their online presence.

The remarkable piece of the puzzle is their emphasis on innovation. They give valuable insights into HTML5 adoption, showcasing their keenness to adopt new technologies.

Recommendations: Web Hosting Review for 72e.net.

Continuing our Web Hosting Review for 72e.net, it would serve potential customers well to get in touch with 72e.net directly. By initiating a direct conversation, you can gather a clear understanding of hosting requirements, prices, and the unique features they bring to the table.

Although the website overview provides valuable insights, we understand that language can be a constraint. Hence, for a more detailed understanding of their specific offerings, direct interaction is recommended.

Conclusion: Web Hosting Review for 72e.net

To wrap up this Web Hosting Review for 72e.net, it is clear that 72e.net stands as a comprehensive alternative for individuals and businesses looking for secure and innovative web hosting services. They’ve proven their commitment to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies, making them a potential partner for your online journey.

With HostLecture, you’ll get more such informative reviews of web hosting services across the globe. Until the next post, happy hosting!

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Spatial database reset administrative password?

“Step 1: Log in to the home page of the User Center www.72e.net Step 2: Follow the steps as shown in the figure below”

Introduction to Web Server IIS6.0?

“The concept of IIS IIS is the abbreviation of Internet Information Server. It is the main server promoted by Microsoft. The new version is IIS 6.0 included in Windows 2003. IIS is fully integrated with WindowNT Server, so users can use Windows NT Server and NTFS (NT File System, NT file system) built-in security features to build strong, flexible and secure Internet and Intranet sites. IIS supports HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol), FTP (Fele Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol) and SMTP protocols, through the use of CGI and ISAPI, IIS can be highly extended. IIS supports language-independent scripting and components. Through IIS, developers can develop a new generation of dynamic, attractive Web sites. IIS does not require developers to learn new scripting languages ​​or compile applications, IIS fully supports VBScript, JScript development software and Java, it also supports CGI and WinCGI, as well as ISAPI extensions and filters. IIS is designed to build a set of integrated server services to support HTTP, FTP and SMTP, it can provide fast and integrated existing products, and scalable Internet server. IIS is highly relevant and consumes less system resources. The installation, management and configuration of IIS are quite simple. This is because IIS is tightly integrated with the Windows NT Server network operating system. Server is the same SAM (Security Accounts Manager, security account manager), for administrators, IIS uses NT existing management tools such as Performance Monitor and SNMP (Simple Nerwork Management Protocol, Simple Network Management Protocol). IIS supports ISAPI, the use of ISAPI can extend server functions, and the use of ISAPI filters can pre-process and post-process data stored in IIS. Internet Extensions for 32-bit Windows applications can put FTP, SMTP and HTTP protocols into an easy-to-use and task-focused interface that greatly simplifies the use of Internet applications, and IIS also supports MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, Mostly used for Internet Mail Extensions), which provides a simple registry entry for Internet application access. Important Features of IIS6.0 Compared with IIS5.0, IIS6.0 has been greatly improved and improved, and has many excellent features: 1. Application pool : IIS6 can separate a single web application or multiple sites into an independent process (called an application pool ). The application pool greatly improves the security and safety of the web server in the form of an independent process. Stability. The process communicates directly with the operating system kernel. This feature will increase throughput and application capacity when providing more room for activity on the server, effectively reducing hardware requirements. These separate application pools will prevent an application or site from corrupting XML Web services or other Web applications on the server. 2. IIS6.0 also provides state monitoring functions to discover, recover and prevent Web application failures . On Windows Server 2003, Microsoft ASP.NET natively uses the new IIS process model. These advanced application status and detection capabilities are also available for existing applications running under Internet Information Server 4.0 and IIS 5.0, most of which do not require any modifications. 3. Integrated .NET Framework (DOTNET) The Microsoft .NET Framework is a programming model for Microsoft .NET-connected software and technologies for building, deploying, and running Web applications, smart client applications, and XML Web services. and services programmatically expose their functionality over the web using standard protocols such as SOAP, XML, and HTTP. The .NET Framework provides an efficient standards-based environment for integrating existing investments with next-generation applications and services 4. Monitoring the number of concurrent connections, network traffic, etc. This allows different websites to be opened completely independently. It will not affect other websites because of the problem of one website. 5. IIS6.0 provides better security by separating the running user and the system user. IIS service running permissions and Web application permissions are separated to ensure sufficient security for web applications. These are what other web servers lack. Cloud refers to using IIS6.0 as the web server to ensure that your website is secure, stable and fast.”

How to realize pan-domain name resolution by virtual host?

“Note: If you need pan-domain name resolution. Please choose to rent a managed server or VPS instead of cloud hosting . Many customers who consult this question end up renting a managed server or VPS *****In order to achieve pan-domain name resolution, the cloud virtual host must first confirm that the domain name service provider can provide the function of implicit forwarding**** Many friends asked a question, after ordering a space, how can I achieve the function of pan-domain name resolution. For example: The space bound domain name is abc.com, and http://1.abc.com is required to access http://www .abc.com/1/, http://2.abc.com access to http://www.abc.com/2. . . . Such an unlimited number of subdomains. *****What needs to be explained is: Due to the requirements of the Ministry of Information Industry for website filing, all domain name service providers have stopped supporting implicit forwarding. So you cannot use this function This is actually the function pointed to by the generic domain name URL. To achieve this function, you must do 2 steps, 1. Modify the domain name resolution settings, enable the pan URL forwarding support, and enable implicit forwarding to forward to the target page of the target website. Note that only Only when the implicit forwarding function is enabled can it be realized. 2. Modify the program of the target page to determine the source page that the user visits. Url_refer, jump to different target pages according to different url_Refer. The principle of this implementation is actually based on the http_Refer in the http request header (this is to judge which page the current visit is led from, and by judging this setting, you can know which website the user is visiting). The following are the detailed operation steps 1. Find a domain name resolution service provider, and set the pan URL forwarding function of the domain name: fill in * in front, and fill in the target page for the forwarding address. At the same time, select “”Hide”” to be effective. After this setting, users can access the URL under the domain name Subdomains are all actually accessing the target page. 2. Modify the website program by yourself, modify the program on the target page, so that the website supports the pan URL forwarding function. The following is an ASP.NET program, you can take a look, and you can use it according to your own needs. <%@ Page language=””c#”” AutoEventWireup=””false”” %> <% if(Request.UrlReferrer!=null) { //Get the source website. string refhost=Request.UrlReferrer.Host; if(refhost is qualified Website){ Response.Redirect(“”target page””); } } %> The program idea is very simple. The specific judgment of whether it meets the requirements depends on your own rules. (Note that not any website is redirected, it must be Make a judgment. The function of this pan-domain name resolution is very widely used. For example, some blog sites. I hope that each user can be assigned a sub-domain name. When others visit the sub-domain name, it will be automatically transferred to the user’s page. Or an enterprise website building system. Assign Give the company a subdomain. When others visit the subdomain, it will automatically transfer to the company’s page. Asp or Php program, you can do it according to the corresponding ideas”

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