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Short service description for is a comprehensive web hosting and server services provider that caters to a wide range of IT needs. With a sprawling array of offerings, they specialize in various hosting solutions such as shared Linux and Windows hosting, equipped with essential features like PHP support and ASP.NET frameworks. They also have tailored services for popular CMS platforms, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and many more, which streamline site management and enable seamless website operations.For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for article.

Further diving into their expansive portfolio, offers VPS (Virtual Private Server) and VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) services, available with both SSDs for quick access speeds and traditional HDDs for larger storage requirements. These virtual servers come with a choice of operating systems including Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and Windows, ensuring compatibility with a diverse array of applications and customer preferences.

For those in need of higher computing power and control, their dedicated server options provide robust and reliable infrastructure backed by powerful CPUs and substantial RAM capacities, making them suitable for resource-intensive tasks. Moreover, they simplify domain registration with support for various TLDs and robust DNS management tools, alongside offering SSL certificates for enhanced site security and DDoS protection to safeguard online services against attacks. This broad technology suite, combined with user-friendly management interfaces like ISPmanager and a commitment to customer service, highlights as a versatile and reliable partner for both individual and corporate clients navigating the digital space.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Linux Hosting$1.09 - $5.33
Email Hosting$0.78 - $2.07
VPS Hosting$2.43 - $28.45

Linux Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Alpha SSD
Storage capacity: 2 GB
Number of sites, databases: Unlimited
Mailboxes: Unlimited
Support any CMS
Let's Encrypt, DDoS protection
Available PHP versions: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Gifts for order: NO
Free test 10 days
Improved performance: NO
Beta SSD
Storage capacity: 7 GB
Number of sites, databases: Unlimited
Mailboxes: Unlimited
Support any CMS
Let's Encrypt, DDoS protection
Available PHP versions: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free test 10 days
Improved performance: YEAS
Gamma SSD
Storage capacity: 30 GB
Number of sites, databases: Unlimited
Mailboxes: Unlimited
Support any CMS
Let's Encrypt, DDoS protection
Available PHP versions: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free test 10 days
Improved performance: YEAS
Delta SSD
Storage capacity: 45 GB
Number of sites, databases: Unlimited
Mailboxes: Unlimited
Support any CMS
Let's Encrypt, DDoS protection
Available PHP versions: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free test 10 days
Improved performance: YEAS

Email Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Postal 1
Disk quota - 1 GB
Up to 100 boxes
Spam protection
Virus protection
Black and white lists
Postal 2
Disk quota - 5 GB
Up to 300 boxes
Spam protection
Virus protection
Black and white lists
Postal 3
Disk quota - 10 GB
Up to 1000 boxes
Spam protection
Virus protection
Black and white lists

VPS Hosting Pricing Package and Features

On-Cloud Fast
Storage capacity: 5 GB
CPU (CPU resources): 1 core
RAM (Random Access Memory): 1 GB
DDoS protection
Root access
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free transfer assistance
Connection to 10G channel
Peering with 540 operators via Cloud-IX traffic exchange point
Pre-installing apps and downloading ISOs
L3/L4 DDoS protection
Backup and monthly Snapshot
Start-Cloud Fast
Storage capacity: 40 GB
CPU (CPU resources): 2 cores
RAM (Random Access Memory): 2 GB
DDoS protection
Root access
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free transfer assistance
Connection to 10G channel
Peering with 540 operators via Cloud-IX traffic exchange point
Pre-installing apps and downloading ISOs
L3/L4 DDoS protection
Backup and monthly Snapshot
Optima-Cloud Fast
RUB1 563
Storage capacity: 90 GB
CPU (CPU resources): 4 cores
RAM (Random Access Memory): 6 GB
DDoS protection
Root access
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free transfer assistance
Connection to 10G channel
Peering with 540 operators via Cloud-IX traffic exchange point
Pre-installing apps and downloading ISOs
L3/L4 DDoS protection
Backup and monthly Snapshot
Drive-Cloud Fast
RUB2 151
Storage capacity: 120 GB
CPU (CPU resources): 6 cores
RAM (Random Access Memory): 8 GB
DDoS protection
Root access
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free transfer assistance
Connection to 10G channel
Peering with 540 operators via Cloud-IX traffic exchange point
Pre-installing apps and downloading ISOs
L3/L4 DDoS protection
Backup and monthly Snapshot
Best Cloud Fast
RUB2 610
Storage capacity: 160 GB
CPU (CPU resources):6 cores
RAM (Random Access Memory): 10 GB
DDoS protection
Root access
Gifts for order: 1 domain (.RU, .РФ)
Free transfer assistance
Connection to 10G channel
Peering with 540 operators via Cloud-IX traffic exchange point
Pre-installing apps and downloading ISOs
L3/L4 DDoS protection
Backup and monthly Snapshot

Web Hosting Review for – Reliable Hosting with Russian Excellence

In this comprehensive Web Hosting Review for, we will take an in-depth look at the hosting services provided by this renowned Russian hosting provider. If you’re considering for your website hosting needs, read on to discover why it’s a top choice.

Web Hosting Review for Unveiling Hosting Excellence is a leading hosting provider based in Russia, serving both Russian and international clients. With a strong focus on reliability, security, and excellent customer support, has earned its reputation as a dependable hosting partner.

1. Diverse Hosting Solutions offers a wide range of hosting solutions, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and cloud hosting. This variety ensures that you can find the perfect hosting plan to suit your website’s specific requirements.

2. Outstanding Uptime and Performance boasts an impressive uptime record, thanks to their state-of-the-art data centers and robust infrastructure. Your website will enjoy minimal downtime, ensuring uninterrupted online availability for your visitors.

3. 24/7 Expert Support

One of’s standout features is its round-the-clock customer support. The support team is highly knowledgeable and responsive, ensuring that any hosting-related issues are promptly addressed.

4. User-Friendly Control Panel provides users with a user-friendly control panel that simplifies website management. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced webmaster, you’ll find it easy to navigate and utilize the available features.

5. Strong Emphasis on Security

Security is a top priority at They implement robust security measures, including regular backups, firewalls, and DDoS protection, to safeguard your website and data from potential threats.

In conclusion, this Web Hosting Review for underscores their status as a reputable hosting provider. With a range of hosting options, impressive uptime, responsive customer support, an intuitive control panel, and a commitment to security, is an excellent choice for individuals and businesses alike.

If you’re looking for dependable hosting with a Russian touch, we highly recommend exploring’s hosting plans. Their dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is evident in their services.

To learn more about’s hosting solutions and find the perfect plan for your needs, visit their official website today!

Web Hosting Review for – Elevate Your Hosting Experience with Russian Excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

What version of PHP is used on hosting?

“Hosting with PHP support from assumes the presence of multiversion. This means that you can select multiple versions of PHP, different for each host within the same virtual site. All hosting plans support PHP 5.6 – PHP 7.4 If you choose hosting with php support and at the same time transfer the site to us, then make sure that the PHP versions of the selected tariff plan and the existing tariff of the current hosting provider are compatible. If you are planning to purchase a hosting for creating a new site, we recommend choosing a hosting with PHP 7.* – this will help you keep your site up to date longer and protect it from hacks to a greater extent. We also remind you that our tariffs have an unlimited number of: Domains Subdomains Aliasov Databases Email accounts (POP3 / IMAP / SMTP) mailboxes Our advantages: SSD drive speed Auto-installation of any CMS in 3 clicks (including 1s-Bitrix and UMI) Let’s Encrypt and Comodo Positive Free SSL Certificate Free DDoS Protection Automatic multi-level backup Disk quota scalability”

Does hosting support IonCube, Zend Optimizer, Zend OP Cache?

“ionCube PHP Loader is supported by all plans on the following PHP versions: PHP 5.3, PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0. At the same time, tariffs with PHP 5.2 do not support ionCube. Zend Optimizer is installed on plans with PHP 5.2 version. Zend OPсache is available on plans with PHP 5.3 and 5.4. As a reminder, all unlimited shared hosting plans allow you to use a standalone version of PHP for each virtual host. Our rates are divided according to multi-version as follows: Host-1 tariff – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Host-2 tariff – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Host-3 tariff – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Host-4 tariff – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Tariff Alfa-SSD – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Tariff Beta SSD – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Tariff Gamma-SSD – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0. Tariff Delta-SSD – 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 7.0.”

Which hosting plan to choose?

“Hosting tariffs must be selected based on the following criteria: 1. Site load. 2. The presence of non-standard scripts and technological solutions, such as hosting for Bitrix. 3. The need for increased resource capacities 4. Possibility of administration 5. Simplicity and convenience combined with the intensive development of the resource. Linux hosting Linux based plans are suitable for the vast majority of websites. First of all, these are sites using PHP and MySQL. For example, sites created on the basis of popular CMS 1C-Bitrix, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and many others. We offer unlimited Linux plans with unlimited: Domains Subdomains Aliasov Databases Number of e-mail accounts (POP3 / IMAP / SMTP) mailboxes This offer will allow you to start with the most optimal tariff and scale it in parallel with the development of your site. Bitrix hosting Each of the tariffs is optimized for all popular CMS, but if you are aiming to create a commercially successful resource, then we recommend using 1C-Bitrix CMS. Creating a site based on this CMS will provide you with a convenient site control panel, a large number of built-in extensions with guaranteed support from the developer, a ready-made payment gateway, and increased resistance to site hacking by intruders. Hosting for Bitrix involves: Auto-installation on a separate server, optimized for Bitrix in terms of performance. Installation in 3 clicks of any edition, including ready-made solutions from 1s-Bitrix. The most important thing is that when you purchase a license at the official price from us, you will receive free hosting for Bitrix. Windows hosting Windows hosting should be chosen if the site is written in ASP.Net and works with MsSQL databases. Win-hosting is a more specific platform, before ordering it, we strongly recommend that you consult with the developer of your site regarding its compatibility. All Win-hosting tariffs are also unlimited and differ only in terms of disk quota. Please note that we do not provide technical support for Win hosting plans. VPS hosting If you are planning to create a highly loaded project with high site traffic or scripts with high requirements for work time, allocated RAM or processor frequency, or you plan to store a lot of backups, then one of the VPS tariffs will suit you. As part of the VPS tariff, a significantly larger amount of guaranteed dedicated server resources is provided compared to shared hosting tariffs. The undoubted advantage of a virtual server (VPS) is not so much in its stability and performance, but in the provision of root rights and the availability of a wide range of pre-installed operating system templates. You administer the VPS yourself, which will allow you to make its settings as flexible as possible and manage them in the future. “

Hosting with a test period - 10 days.

“Test hosting for 10 days is provided free of charge, while we ask you to consider the following features of its provision: You will not be able to bind your domain to the tariff, for the duration of the test you are provided with a test domain of the form: You will not be able to use the mail service A test period for an identical tariff group is possible no more than once a month You will not be able to order a trial period if you already have the same tariff in battle mode”

Domain parking - what is it?

“Free domain parking at allows you to register a domain and use it later. In fact, parking is not a tariff, therefore, you can register any number of domains, they will be automatically parked on your account. If you wish, you can use a free redirect or mail service, which will be a paid option. In the future, you can use the services of our hosting or specify the IP address of the server where your site will be configured. “


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