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Short service description for ZOMRO.COM

Zomro.com is a reliable hosting provider with vast experience in assisting clients in creating seamless online resources. Their extensive range of products includes web hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS, VPS for Forex, big storage VPS, and dedicated servers, among others. Being well-geared towards business needs, Zomro.com offers not only secure data storage but also high-speed functionality for web projects. They understand that each project is unique, and hence, they provide individual plans for various client requirements. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM article.

With an impressive 24/7 technical support, Zomro.com ensures that every user receives comprehensive assistance for smooth operations. The website also features promotions for dedicated servers and partnerships with significant rewards. Customers can rely on fast, feature-rich, and affordable packages, alongside free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt and highly reliable network infrastructures. Their hosting services are housed in Tier-III level data centers, safeguarded by the most modern network equipment and protected against DDoS attacks and online threats.

With their commitment to delivering high-quality hosting services, Zomro.com has gained a substantial clientele across various continents. By handling all the technical intricacies and offering clients a well-rounded solution, Zomro.com has become the go-to hosting provider that both individuals and businesses can trust.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Shared Hosting$2.86 - $13.23
Wordpress Hosting$2.86 - $15.34
VPS Hosting$4.32 - $21.88
Dedicated Server Hosting$54.12 - $286.73

Shared Hosting Pricing Package and Features

SSD: 10 000Mb
Sites: 1
Subdomains: 5
Databases: 2
RAM: 1024Mb
SSD: 20 000Mb
Sites: 10
Subdomains: 20
Databases: Unlimited
RAM: 1280Mb
SSD: 30 000Mb
Sites: 30
Subdomains: 40
Databases: Unlimited
RAM: 1536Mb
SSD: 50 000Mb
Sites: Unlimited
Subdomains: Unlimited
Databases: Unlimited
RAM: 2048Mb

VPS Hosting Pricing Package and Features

CPU: 1 core Intel Xeon
Port: 250 Mbps
RAM: 1 Gb
SSD: 20 Gb
OS: Linux & Windows
CPU: 2 core Intel Xeon
Port: 250 Mbps
RAM: 2 Gb
SSD: 20 Gb
OS: Linux & Windows
CPU: 2 core Intel Xeon
Port: 250 Mbps
RAM: 4 Gb
SSD: 40 Gb
OS: Linux & Windows
CPU: 4 core Intel Xeon
Port: 250 Mbps
RAM: 8 Gb
SSD: 60 Gb
OS: Linux & Windows
CPU: 6 core Intel Xeon
Port: 500 Mbps
RAM: 16Gb
SSD: 80 Gb
OS: Linux & Windows

Dedicated Server Hosting Pricing Package and Features

CPU: Intel Xeon Silver 4116
Numbers of cores: 6
RAM: 32
Drive: 240GB NVMe
Port: 1Gb/s
Location: Netherlands
Config 43
CPU: Intel 2xE5-2430v2
Numbers of cores: 12
RAM: 64
Drive: 2x240GB NVMe
Port: 1Gb/s
Location: Netherlands
CPU: Intel Xeon Silver 4116
Numbers of cores: 8
RAM: 64
Drive: 480GB NVMe
Port: 1Gb/s
Location: Netherlands
Config 41
CPU: Intel 1xE5-2430v2
Numbers of cores: 6
RAM: 32
Drive: 2x240GB SSD
Port: 1Gb/s
Location: Netherlands
Config 49
CPU: Intel 1xE5-2650v2
Numbers of cores: 8
RAM: 32
Drive: 2x240GB SSD
Port: 10Gb/s
Location: Netherlands
Config 50
CPU: Intel 1xE5-2650v2
Numbers of cores: 8
RAM: 64
Drive: 2x480GB SSD
Port: 10Gb/s
Location: Netherlands

Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM: Powering Websites, the Affordable Way

Choosing the right web hosting service can be a real task with an array of options available. In our endeavor to make this process easier for you, we detail out the offerings of ZOMRO.COM in this Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM.

ZOMRO.COM: An Overview

Opening our Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM, this hosting provider emerges as an affordable solution for businesses and individuals alike. Based on the information at hand, ZOMRO.COM offers a range of services including shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS, VPN, DDoS protection, and much more.

Affordable Hosting Plans: Diversity in Offerings

Going in-depth into our Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM, their hosting plans cater to small-scale and larger businesses proficiently. Whether it’s the SSD-based shared hosting or the robust VPS features, ZOMRO.COM covers diverse needs. Noteworthy is their special focus on affordability without compromising on quality.

Comprehensive Protection: DDoS Protection and More

In our digital world, security becomes paramount. That’s why in our Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM, we underline their dedication to providing robust security. They offer DDoS protection to guard your website against disruptive threats.

Unique Features: Distinctive Service Catalog

ZOMRO.COM offers distinct services like Big storage VPS, and WordPress-specific hosting. They even offer website care service, displaying their commitment to providing all-around web hosting solutions. Best Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM

Global Clientele and 24/7 Support

Based on the data scrape, ZOMRO.COM caters to a significant international client base, thanks to its 24/7 customer support. Having support personnel available round the clock is a rarity and earns them a positive remark in the Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM.


To sum up our Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM, it’s clear that ZOMRO.COM is all about customer-centric and budget-friendly hosting solutions. Their dedication to providing comprehensive features, around-the-clock support, and strong security measures makes them a commendable choice for those who seek reliable web hosting. Best Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM

Hostlecture strives to provide potential customers with in-depth insights into different hosting providers. Following this comprehensive Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM, examine their services to discern if they align with your unique hosting needs. Best Web Hosting Review for ZOMRO.COM

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

How to install MySQL 8 on Docker

In this article, we will look at how to install a MySQL 8 server in a Docker container, and see how to connect it to phpMyAdmin in the docker-compose that we installed in the article How to install phpMyAdmin in Docker. So let’s install Docker. As usual, we update the OS packages. apt update Install the necessary packages and add a new repository: apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt key add – add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable” Update packages with the new repository: apt update Install Docker. apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io Checking Docker version: docker –version Let’s see the status: systemctl status docker If it doesn’t start, run: systemctl start docker And add to autorun. systemctl enable docker Install Docker Compose curl -L “https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin /docker-compose Set run permissions for docker-compose. chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Check if Docker-Compose is installed: docker-compose –version As you can see, everything is in order. Let’s move on to creating a file for Docker-Compose. To navigate in the future where and what we have installed, let’s create a separate folder for this project in the /home directory and go to it. mkdir /home/mysql && cd /home/mysql In this guide, we will be installing a specific version of MySQL 8. To do this, we will use the repository from hub.docker.com To create the docker-compose.yaml file, we will use the repository at the link https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql Create a docker-compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml file: vim docker-compose.yaml And add the following code to it: version: ‘3.1’ services: db_mysql: container_name: db_mysql image: mysql ports: – “3311:3306” restart: always environment: MYSQL_USER: admin MYSQL_PASSWORD: rNZzq5U37DqJlNe MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 4kDGQDYe4JxDjRd volumes: – /var/lib/mysqld:/var/lib/mysql Where: db_mysql: name of your container; image: mysql: the image from which mysql 8 will be deployed; ports: 3311:3306 – port 3311 which we will use to connect to mysql; restart:always – indicates that the container will be restarted when the server crashes or restarts; mysql_USER: creating a new user in this case is admin; mysql_PASSWORD: password for the admin user; mysql_ROOT_PASSWORD: this password will be set for the mysql superuser root account; In volumes, we prescribe a shared directory so that when the container is restarted, the database data is saved. We run our script (for this you need to be in the directory where our file was created. In this case, it is /home/mysql): docker-compose up -d We are waiting for the download of images, and deployment. We check: docker-compose ps or docker ps To view the logs, use the command docker logs -f db_mysql Also, this version of the mysql 8 database can be installed along with phpMyAdmin and linked to it. Let’s see how to do it. Let’s edit the created docker-compose.yaml file vim docker-compose.yaml Let’s add the following structure below: version: ‘3.1’ services: db_mysql: container_name: db_mysql image: mysql ports: – “3311:3306” restart: always environment: MYSQL_USER: admin MYSQL_PASSWORD: rNZzq5U37DqJlNe MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 4kDGQDYe4JxDjRd volumes: – /var/lib/mysqld:/var/lib/mysql phpmyadmin: container_name: phpmyadmin image: phpmyadmin restart: always ports: – “8091:80” environment: – PMA_HOST=db_mysql depends_on: – db_mysql In the phpmyadmin sector, we added the phpmyadmin image, specified port 8091 to it, but now it will be bound to a specific database server, namely the one that we installed/deployed mysql 8 This parameter is written in the enviroment block where: PMA_HOST=db_mysql – points to the mysql container/block which is described above in this file. Also, the depends_on: directive indicates the start/start dependency on the db_mysql container. This means that until the container with mysql is started, the container with phpmyadmin will not be started. We can start phpmyadmin and mysql with one command. docker-compose up -d We check: docker-compose ps As you can see, the containers are missing.

How to install phpMyAdmin in Docker

In this article, we will look at how to install phpMyAdmin in a Docker container, we will also look at the syntax of the docker-compose file and install it in the same way. First, let’s install Docker. Update OS packages. apt update Install the necessary packages and add a new repository: apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt key add – add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable” Now let’s update the packages with the new repository: apt update Now let’s install Docker itself. apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io Checking Docker version: docker –version Let’s check the status: systemctl status docker If it does not start, then run: systemctl start docker And add to autorun. systemctl enable docker Install Docker Compose curl -L “https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin /docker-compose Set permissions to launch. chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Check how Docker-Compose was installed: docker-compose –version Let’s create a *.yaml file for Docker-Compose. To navigate in the future where and what we have installed, let’s create a separate folder for this project in the /home directory and go to it. mkdir /home/phpmyadmin && cd /home/phpmyadmin You can also use a different directory to host this and other projects. Let’s use the repository to create the docker-compose.yaml file at https://hub.docker.com/_/phpmyadmin Create a docker-compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml file, vim docker-compose.yaml And add the following code to it: version: ‘3.1’ services: phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin restart: always ports: – 8090:80 environment: – PMA_ARBITRARY=1 Where: phpmyadmin: name of your container; image: phpmyadmin: image from which phpmyadmin will be deployed 8090:80 – port 8090 which we will use to connect to phpmyadmin restart:always – indicates that the container will be restarted when the server crashes or restarts PMA_ARBITRARY=1 – indicates that it is possible to connect to an arbitrary database server (How to bind a phpmyadmin panel to a specific server can be found in this article) Run our script (for this you need to be in the directory where our file was created. In this case, it is /home/phpmyadmin): docker-compose up -d We are waiting for the download of images, and deployment. We check: docker-compose ps or docker ps To view the logs, use the command docker logs -f phpmyadmin You can also install only in docker: docker run -d –restart always –name phpmyadmin -e PMA_ARBITRARY=1 -p 8090:80 phpmyadmin To connect to PhpMyAdmin – open a browser and go to – http://YOUR_IP_SERVER:8090/ Now we can connect the database server. In the Server field, enter the IP of the database server, in the Username field – the user (in this case, it is root), in the Password field – the password of the database server root user. If you have not yet installed a database server in Docker, then in the article How to install MariaDB in Docker we will look at how to do this, and we will see how to deploy this server, databases with phpMyAdmin.

What is subdomain?

You have successfully launched a website and purchased various tools for it, everything is functioning stably, but something is missing. Interesting interface? There is! A unique domain? Present! SEO promotion? Its working! The IT world is big enough, and it will take a while to get all the information at once. You’ve probably used “domain” – the individual name of the site, but have you ever heard of a “subdomain”? Strange and unclear symbols are what most people call a subdomain. You don’t need to go to Google for help and search for tedious articles. We’re here to help you understand this topic quickly and easily! In this article, we’ll answer this question in more detail, explain why subdomains are useful, and tell you how to create your own subdomains. Interested? Read on! What is the difference between a subdomain and a domain? You don’t need to go to Google and type in “what are subdomains”. To easily understand what it is, look at the URL of the browser you are currently on. Https: – protocol. These are the characters by which the browser sends a request to the server. Zomro.com – domain. The unique identifier of a website and a way for users to access it. There are three parts of a domain name: the top-level domain (TLD), the second-level domain (SLD) and the subdomain. 1. Top Level Domain (TLD) A top-level domain is the element of a domain name that sits at the end of a site’s address. They are divided into country-specific TLDs (ccTLDs) and generic TLDs (gTLDs). You’ve probably seen many popular gTLDs, and they don’t just consist of .com. It can also be .org, .net, .gov, .edu, .blog, .mil. Typically, “.edu” is used for educational sites, “.gov” for the public sector, and “.mil” for military topics. The primary function of a ccTLD is to recognise a specific country that consists of two letters. These can be .pl, .us, .uk, .ua, .fr. 2. Second Level Domain (SLD) You can find a second-level domain on the left of the .com or .org characters. It is a unique element of the domain name, often a business or brand name. In the zomro.com example, .com is a TLD and zomro is an SLD. Your SLD is the identifier of your website. It must match the services you offer and differentiate your site from others, which deserves careful consideration. 3. Subdomain A subdomain is something that is in front of the SLD. They are usually used to separate sections of a website from the main page. This helps organise the different items on the site and makes it easier for the audience to find the page they want. For example, blog.zomro.com and contacts.zomro.com direct according to our blog and tech support. Subdomain features are useful enough, but do you know how they work? Let’s take a look at that next. How do subdomains work? Humans are very inventive because we always look for ways to make our lives easier. When the Internet started, everyone had to enter a long IP address to contact a particular site, which lasted only a short time as more and more devices and people joined the growing network. Users wanted website names to be easier to remember because a set of numbers is not easy to memorise. DNS is an abbreviation for Domain Name System. Although users type www.zomro.com into a search box to go to a website, browsers and servers communicate through IP addresses. The Domain Name System converts the domains visitors perceive into IP addresses that can be “read” by gadgets. The DNS allows people to visit a particular website without knowing the appropriate IP address. It is a large directory on the Internet, with many IP addresses associated with specific addresses in browsers. Hence, the main functions of the system: DNS associates a domain with the appropriate IP address. The DNS directory is stored on DNS servers, which regularly exchange data to synchronise catalogue information and create redundancy. DNS also turns subdomains into IP addresses, thereby controlling which server a user can access through a particular query. What is a subdomain used for? Since a domain can have an infinite number of subdomains, they are often used to reduce confusion, maintain the online brand and cut costs, because a new domain name is worth the money. But besides saving money, there are many other uses for them. Creating a new website All resources have to live under the company’s domain name, but at the same time, they may all have different functions. If you are not sure whether you should publish a certain page with a new layout, you can always use a subdomain to test it. Expanding your audience Your main page may have valuable information for a specific audience. But what if you tried to change it up a bit? For example, suppose you have an online site-building platform by creating a subdomain with a slightly different focus. In that case, you can attract people interested in tips on building a site or today’s top trends. New blog Often, every online platform has a serious site about website creation, brand development, internet resource rentals, etc. It is valuable information, but have you ever thought about creating something lighter? A subdomain can be the perfect solution to create an interesting and, at the same time, useful blog about various other topics. The mobile version of the site The Internet has become a giant, and mobile devices are becoming a major focus of it. Perhaps not everyone has a powerful computer or laptop, but everyone has a phone. To optimise a resource for users’ gadgets, you place the same website with the same content but a slightly different style so that it fits on a cell phone or tablet screen. Organizing site content Everyone is comfortable using sites with good navigation. Creating a subdomain allows you to divide the site’s content into several niches, making the interface more pleasant for users. People will not need to go to the site’s main page to look for information; they can enter the subdomain in the search box with a certain direction to a category. Testing a complementary business You already have an online platform, but would you like to try another area? Not a problem. A subdomain is easy to handle. A domain is unique, but getting a new one will cost you quite a bit of money, and you can’t be sure that you will fully realise your idea. A subdomain – an alternative option by which you can create a new page with a new interface and new content. Choosing a domain Choosing the right domain name is one of the most important things you will do for your website. It is the uniqueness of your resource and the ability to compete in the marketplace. In addition to defining the site, the domain name will communicate important information to visitors and search engine robots. You’ll need to choose an individual domain first, but it’s worth checking availability through our domain name search platform. Ending with .com is just one of the many options available at ZOMRO. We provide a wide variety of domain extensions such as .net, .org, .me, .pro, .host, .lol, .space, .online, .website and more. We always have discounts and promotions for users. Even if you have purchased services from another provider, our team can easily connect yours to our rates. What are examples of subdomains? Perhaps you are still not quite sure what a subdomain is or how and when it should be used. If you’ve already covered the theoretical use of a subdomain, it’s worth moving on to the practical part. Let’s look at some real examples of using subdomains. Wikipedia Wikipedia uses a subdomain for its articles to denote a language or region. For example, the subdomain en – en.wikipedia.org means the article is in English, uk – uk.wikipedia.org means Ukrainian, etc. Wikipedia has a subdomain that can take you to a page with simplified text language. By adding “simple” to the domain – simple.wikipedia.org, you can see a simple English version of the article for language learners and those with other needs. Google The well-known Google search engine also has subdomains. Google.com – allows you to go to the search bar and enter any query you are interested in. Support.google.com – helps you solve problems and find the correct answer to your question. Translate.google.com – translator, which has many features and includes many languages. You can also go to an online store, blog, or educational platform and see if they have subdomain variations. It is very informative because sometimes, you can open a new page of your favourite website for yourself. What is the difference between a subdomain and a subdirectory? Should we use a subdirectory or a subdomain? Are they different? Which is better for optimizing the site? – these and many other similar questions often arise in users. Simply put, the functions of a subdomain and a subdirectory are almost the same – they both structure your site. You’ve probably figured out by now that the subdomain comes before the main domain and the subdirectory comes after it. It looks like this: zomro.com/blog. Setup Subdomains are used when part of a website requires its server. Server administrators create subdomains to distribute resources to all the gadgets they access. A subdirectory is similar to a subdomain because it allows you to create content categories, but servers are configured differently. The subdirectory is hosted on the same server and any link back to the domain Keywords The subdomain keywords belong to your main domain, which makes them a great choice if you want all the keywords on the pages to be attached to the main URL. A subdomain has its own set of keywords, separate from the main domain. Search engine optimization SEO optimization is one of the biggest controversies that arise during the discussion of subdomains vs subdirectories. Deciding what has the best SEO results is a big problem. Some people are more comfortable using a subdomain, and others are more comfortable using a subdirectory. Either way, the choice is yours. How many subdomains can you have? Each registrar offers its own conditions for creating subdomains, which can be either limited or paid for. We, Zomro.com, when using our services, namely domain rental, give you the opportunity to create an unlimited number of subdomains (within reason, of course). Are subdomains free? Of course, they are! When renting an individual domain, you can use different subdomains. You manage the structure of your site, its content, and the development and organisation of information. What is a WildCard subdomain? WildCard subdomains allow you to point all subdomains (existing and non-existing) to a specific file folder in your account. If you type in any subdomain in your browser, it will show the same content you uploaded to the file folder for WildCard subdomains. How to create a subdomain and set it up All the information is very interesting and you probably want to create your own subdomain. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to create and work with it. Go to the hosting panel of your site. Find the main domain to which you want to create a subdomain. Look in the dashboard to see where to add a subdomain. Enter a new subdomain name and the IP address of the server you want to attach it to. Once the DNS record is updated, the subdomain is ready to use. How long does it take for a subdomain to become active? Any DNS changes, such as the creation of a subdomain, are subject to propagation, which can take up to 24 hours. Some services allow you to activate a subdomain within 30 minutes or even immediately. However, you can still connect to the site on your computer before the propagation is complete by making changes to the host file. What is subdomain forwarding? Domain redirecting is an interesting concept. You can redirect visitors to your domain address to any other place on the Internet. If you have registered a domain name on one online resource but have created your website and want to attract visitors, you can link your main domain to your new site thanks to domain redirecting. Users clicking on your domain/subdomain will automatically be directed to the destination you specify. Is “www”” a subdomain? The address of the World Wide Web – www – is no longer that common in the online environment. In the past, you might have noticed that almost every Internet resource had a domain with a “www”. Now everyone directly uses the name of the brand or company as the main domain, without any additions, because it is convenient for both users and the platform owner. Any questions? We are confident that we were able to provide all the useful information that you can further use to promote your online resource. Domains, subdomains, subdirectories – an interesting topic to study, thanks to which you can significantly promote your website. If you have any unresolved questions, contact our technical support, or try to find answers in our help center.

How to install an SSL certificate on Windows Server

“When you visit different sites, in some cases, for the security of the HTTPS connection, additional traffic encryption may be required. And for this, more security on the network, you can install a Securly SSL certificate on your Windows computer or Windows Server if you surf with a VPS to ensure that all browsing sites are HTTPS encrypted. To add a Securly SSL certificate manually, follow these steps: Download the SSL certificate from here. Right-click on the Start menu and select “”Run””. Or use the keyboard shortcut: Win+R. Enter the command “”mmc”” and then click “”OK””. In the new Microsoft Management Console window that opens, select the File menu and click Add/Remove Snap-in. On the left side of the window, find Certificates, select it, and click Add > In the next window, select Computer account and click Next and then Next again. And to finish, click Finish. Returning to the window, Microsoft Management Console, we can observe the added item Certificates , click on Certificates (Local Computer), and open the folder tree. Then left-click on Trusted Root Certificate Authorities > Certificates on the left side of the window, and right-click on All Tasks and then select the Import menu. As we will see, the Certificate Import Wizard certificate installation window will appear. To add it, open the disk location where you saved the certificate, in this case the Securly SSL that you downloaded from the link above, and select it. Then click Open. The Certificate Store window should say Trusted Root Certificate Authorities , make sure it’s there, and then click Next. After successfully installing the Securly SSL certificate, click Finish. If everything was done correctly, you can see a notification about a successful installation. As you can see, adding a certificate is easy. Now you can do it yourself, as well as on your other devices with the Windows operating system.”

How to install RouterOS on a virtual server (VPS/VDS)

“RouterOS is an operating system for routers of the MikroTik family. RouterOS can be installed on a virtual or dedicated server running Linux. A regular VPS/VDS with minimal resources is enough. In this article, we will cover installing RouterOS on CentOS7. Important note: after installing RouterOS, all data on the server will be deleted. For this reason, we recommend installing RouterOS on a server that does not have important data. So let’s get started. 1. Connect to the server via SSH (how to do it) 2. Go to the official Mikrotik website to the Software section (https://mikrotik.com/download). Let’s install the version of the Stable distribution, although you can choose Long-term. Next, you need to open Cloud Hosted Router and copy the link to download the Raw image (Raw disk image). 3. In the server console, run the command to download the Raw image to the server wget https://download.mikrotik.com/routeros/7.5/chr-7.5.img.zip 4. Install the unzip utility on the server by running the command: yum install unzip and unzip the installation image: unzip chr-7.5.img.zip Note: The file name chr-7.5.img.zip may be different. To check the name of the image file, run the command in the console ls -la and you will see approximately such a list, which will contain the necessary file 5. Find out the name of the server disk on which we will install RouterOS. To do this, run the command: fdisk -l The output of the command will be something like this: 6. Run the command to write the previously unzipped chr-7.5.img installation image to the /dev/vda disk dd if=chr-7.5.img of=/dev/vda bs=4M oflag=sync 7. Let’s restart the server in a not quite usual way (which is sometimes used, for example, when the disk is unavailable). To do this, run the commands to the server console one by one: echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger After that, the server will no longer be accessible via SSH. 8. In order to be able to connect to RouterOS, for example, using WinBox, SSH or web access, you need to configure the network interface on the server. To do this, connect to the server via VNC: go to your Personal Account (https://cp.zomro.com/billmgr) – Services – Virtual servers – select a server – Go – you will be taken to the vmmanager panel – Management – Virtual machines – select a server – click VNC button. In the login prompt, enter admin and when prompted for a password, just press Enter. After that, RouterOS will prompt you to familiarize yourself with the license and request a password change. Enter a new password and confirm it. The IP address, mask and gateway of the server can be found in the vmmanager server control panel. To do this, highlight the server and click the IP Addresses button. After that, in the RouterOS console, enter the command to configure the IP address: ip address add address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24 interface=ether1 where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the server (from the vmmanager panel) and the gateway configuration command ip route add gateway=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy where yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the server gateway (from the vmmanager panel) 9. To access the RouterOS settings, follow the link in your browser http://Ñ…Ñ….Ñ…Ñ….Ñ…Ñ….Ñ…Ñ…/webfig/ where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of your server.”

Specification: ZOMRO.COM

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