Taki Digital Technology

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Short service description for Taki Digital Technology

Taki is a leading web hosting company offering an array of services to cater to various customers’ requirements. Leveraging powerful resources like NVMe SSD storage and high-performance GPU, they provide superior hosting solutions across platforms like Linux and Windows. The company makes a particular emphasis on hosting WordPress websites, offering WordPress-specific hosting with significant enhancements in speed and reliability. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for Taki Digital Technology article.

Among their many services, they offer CN2 networking, providing efficient network connectivity. One unique feature of their hosting service includes iOS APP hosting, pointing towards their versatility and comprehensive coverage.

They pay keen attention to security and provide SSL support across their services. This includes DV SSL, OV SSL, EV SSL, and Wildcard SSL options, aiming to secure your web communications and protect your customers’ data. Taki has an easy DIY site builder, making website creation a breeze even for beginners.

With strong alliances with partners like LiteSpeed and QuicCloud CDN, Taki offers enhanced performance, improved speeds, and efficient content delivery for hosted websites. It caters to high-profile clients, proving their reputation in the market. Seamlessly blending cutting-edge technology, versatility, and outstanding service, Taki stands as a notable choice amongst hosting providers.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
WordPress Hosting$250 - $1,167
Linux Hosting$208 - $1,083
Windows Hosting$292 - $1,250

WordPress Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Hard Disk Space: 10 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 600 GB
CPU limit: 2GHz
Memory (pMEM): 2GB
I/O Rate:4096 KB/s
Entry Process:10
MySQL database: 5
Built-in LiteSpeed ​​pre-installed program
Built-in QUIC CDN acceleration
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
Hard Disk Space: 20 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,200 GB
CPU limit: 4GHz
Memory (pMEM): 4GB
I/O Rate:5120 KB/s
Entry Process:20
MySQL database: 10
Built-in LiteSpeed ​​pre-installed program
Built-in QUIC CDN acceleration
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
Hard Disk Space: 30 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,800 GB
CPU limit: 5GHz
Memory (pMEM): 5GB
I/O Rate:6144 KB/s
Entry Process:30
MySQL database: 20
Built-in QUIC CDN acceleration
Free Elementor PRO editor
Free RankMath SEO Pro
Free SSL security certificate
Hard Disk Space: 40 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 2,400 GB
CPU limit: 6GHz
Memory (pMEM): 6GB
I/O Rate:7128 KB/s
Entry Process:50
MySQL database: 30
Built-in QUIC CDN acceleration
Free Elementor PRO editor
Free RankMath SEO Pro
Free SSL security certificate

Linux Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Hard Disk Space: 10 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 600 GB
CPU limit: 1GHz
Memory (pMEM): 1GB
I/O Rate:1024 KB/s
Entry Process:10
MySQL database: 5
EMAIL: 50 groups
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
Hard Disk Space: 20 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,200 GB
CPU limit: 2GHz
Memory (pMEM): 2GB
I/O Rate:2048 KB/s
Entry Process:20
MySQL database: 10
EMAIL: 100 groups
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
Hard Disk Space: 30 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,800 GB
CPU limit: 3GHz
Memory (pMEM): 2.5GB
I/O Rate:3072 KB/s
Entry Process:25
MySQL database: 20
EMAIL: 200 groups
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
Hard Disk Space: 40 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 2,400 GB
CPU limit: 4GHz
Memory (pMEM): 3 GB
I/O Rate:4096 KB/s
Entry Process:30
MySQL database: 30
EMAIL: 300 groups
Free SSL security certificate
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning

Windows Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Hard Disk Space: 10 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 600 GB
CPU limit: 5%
Memory (pMEM): 1GB
MySQL database: 5
EMAIL: 50 groups
Free SSL security certificate
One-click automatic update/backup/restore
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
30% off for the first purchase and free moving assistance
Hard Disk Space: 20 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,200 GB
CPU limit: 10%
Memory (pMEM): 2GB
MySQL database: 10
EMAIL: 100 groups
Free SSL security certificate
One-click automatic update/backup/restore
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
30% off for the first purchase and free moving assistance
Hard Disk Space: 30 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 1,800 GB
CPU limit: 12%
Memory (pMEM): 2.5GB
MySQL database: 20
EMAIL: 200 groups
Free SSL security certificate
One-click automatic update/backup/restore
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
30% off for the first purchase and free moving assistance
Hard Disk Space: 40 GB SSD Storage
Monthly traffic: 2,400 GB
CPU limit: 15%
Memory (pMEM): 3GB
MySQL database: 30
EMAIL: 300 groups
Free SSL security certificate
One-click automatic update/backup/restore
Free WAF, Free Malware Scanning
30% off for the first purchase and free moving assistance

Unleashing Power and Performance: Web Hosting Review for Taki

Deciphering the web hosting market is a labyrinthine task, laden with terminologies, technical requirements, and an array of service considerations. Key players like Taki, however, make this quest much easier with their robust offerings and innovative solutions. In this ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki,’ we dive into the specifics of their offerings and guide Hostlecture’s readers through the different layers of this competent web hosting service.

High-Speed Hosting Services

Our exploration of Taki’s offerings in this ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki’ begins with their focus on speed and performance. Taki provides an array of hosting plans, including:

* WordPress NVMe SSD
* Linux NVMe SSD
* Windows NVMe SSD

These NVMe SSD-powered plans enhance the speed and performance of your website, resulting in a seamless browsing experience for your users.

Taki’s Secret Sauce: Advancement and Adaptability

In this ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki,’ they reveal their command over state-of-the-art technology. Taki harnesses the power of the GPU, enabling them to provide a stronger performance for comprehensive web hosting criteria. They also utilize the LiteSpeed web server, offering an optimal environment for WordPress websites, including the ESI (Edge Side Includes), an advanced caching technology.

Taki’s Security Measures

A key highlight in our ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki’ is their focus on security. Taki provides multiple SSL options to bolster your website’s security, which is a crucial aspect of flourishing in today’s digital age:


These varying levels of SSL certificates ensure the data between your website and its visitors is encrypted, securing online transactions and protecting sensitive information.

Powerful CDN and Customer Support

As we delve deeper into this ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki,’ it’s essential to highlight their integration with QUICcloud CDN. This assists in improving website performance by reducing the physical distance between the server and the user, enabling faster page load times.

In addition, Taki provides unequivocal support to its users, which we find significant to highlight in this ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki.’ Their commitment to customer satisfaction resonates through their attentive customer support channels.

In conclusion, Taki emerges as a powerful contender in the web hosting market with high-speed hosting solutions, impressive performance, and dedicated customer support. Their offerings create a user-friendly hosting environment, ensuring that businesses, irrespective of their sizes and sectors, can find solutions suited to their specific needs.

This ‘Web Hosting Review for Taki’ serves as a comprehensive guideline for Hostlecture’s audience seeking to leverage the advantages of a reliable, protected, and performance-driven hosting service.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

What is WordPress?

WordPress® is a blogging and website publishing platform that is not only easy to operate, but also sets indicators for globally recognized websites. WordPress’ strong focus on aesthetics, combined with its web standards and usability, makes this open source platform let you manage anything from a small personal blog to a large business website with hundreds of pages. Hundreds of thousands of websites choose to build a web space on WordPress, which is deeply trusted by the public, and now with TAKI’s WordPress managed hosting, you can also easily own a web space.

What are WordPress hosting plans?

TAKI WordPress hosting is built on top of our advanced web hosting. For anyone who needs the performance and simplicity of WordPress, this platform that can eliminate the trivial matters of content updates and technical adjustments is the perfect solution.

What is a virtual host?

Virtual host or shared host, also known as virtual server, virtual host is a method of realizing multi-domain services on a single host or a host group, and can run multiple websites or services. Virtual hosts are completely independent and can be managed by users themselves. Virtual does not mean that it does not exist, but that the space is extended from physical servers. The hardware system can be based on server groups or a single server.

How does web hosting work?

When you purchase a web hosting plan, TAKI will store your website in one of our servers and assign a dedicated DNS to the website. DNS is used as the address of your website so that people around the world can find and browse your website. You must have this unique address before people can browse your website. Buying a web hosting package is basically buying space on one of our servers, it’s like space on a computer hard drive, but the server allows people to access your website files from anywhere.

What is a virtual host?

Virtual host or shared host, also known as virtual server, virtual host is a method of realizing multi-domain services on a single host or a host group, and can run multiple websites or services. The virtual hosts are completely independent and can be managed by users themselves. Virtual does not mean non-existence, but means that the space is extended from physical servers. The hardware system can be based on server groups or a single server.

Specification: Taki Digital Technology

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