QuickWeb Hosting

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Short service description for QuickWeb Hosting

QuickWeb Hosting, a top web hosting and VPS server specialist in New Zealand, is revered for its reliable web hosting services, with an expansive reach that extends to 12 locations worldwide. Be it an individual or a business enterprise, QuickWeb provides a spectrum of web hosting services to match its client’s specific needs. Best Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz .For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for QuickWeb Hosting article.

From NZ and US web hosting to dedicated servers located in New Zealand, the USA, and Germany, QuickWeb also offers several virtual private server (VPS) plans, including the SUPA VPS Plans and Solid State VPS Plans. By allowing full root access and features of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost, QuickWeb’s VPS server hosting solutions are a cost-effective alternative to traditional hosting. Moreover, for those seeking affordable options, the ‘Budget Corner’ might be a destination worth considering.

QuickWeb’s groundbreaking cloud hosting solution deserves special mention due to its flexibility and user-friendly management. Ideal for those who need space to store and manage their data, QuickWeb also provides cloud backup and Rsync backup to protect your valuable data from any calamities.

Renowned for its world-class data centers and unmatchable 99.9% uptime, QuickWeb ensures your website’s seamless performance. With a commitment to providing round-the-clock support, a rapid response time within 25 minutes, and a convenient web-based virtual server management panel, customer satisfaction is a guaranteed result.

In essence, QuickWeb’s success lies in its integration of top-tier facilities, professional hosting solutions, superior customer service, and highly competitive pricing. Through its unrivaled offerings, QuickWeb strengthens its clients’ online presence, depicts its dedication to providing high-quality services, and reaffirms its status as a leader in the industry.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Web Hosting$3.95 - $19.95
Dedicated Server Hosting$249 - $449

Web Hosting Pricing Package and Features

No Frills
Storage Space: 1000MB
Data Transfer: 5000MB
Add-on Domains: 2
FTP Accounts: 2
MySQL Databases: 2
Email Accounts: 15
KSplice no reboot kernel
CloudLinux OS
Solid State Drive Storage
cPanel Web Interface
Storage Space: 2,000MB
Data Transfer: 20,000MB
Add-on Domains: 5
FTP Accounts: Unlimited
MySQL Databases: 5
Email Accounts: Unlimited
KSplice no reboot kernel
CloudLinux OS
Solid State Drive Storage
cPanel Web Interface
Storage Space: 3,000MB
Data Transfer: Unmetered
Add-on Domains: 10
FTP Accounts: Unlimited
MySQL Databases: Unlimited
Email Accounts: Unlimited
KSplice no reboot kernel
CloudLinux OS
Solid State Drive Storage
cPanel Web Interface

Dedicated Server Hosting Pricing Package and Features

NZ Server A
Xeon Dual Core CPU
2x250GB SATA Drives
50Gb Int'l Bandwidth
One time setup fee
FREE Local bandwidth
100Mbit port speed
24x7x365 Support
NZ Server B
Xeon Quad Core CPU
2x500GB SATA II drives
100Gb Int'l Bandwidth
One time setup fee
FREE Local bandwidth
100Mbit port speed
24x7x365 Support
NZ Server C
Dell R610 Quad Core
Hardware RAID
4x500GB SATA II drives
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Local bandwidth
100Mbit port speed
24x7x365 Support

Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz: Harnessing the Power of Complete Hosting Solutions

As the digital era continues to ascend, choosing a dependable website hosting provider has become crucial for businesses worldwide. Quickweb.co.nz, a website hosting company based in New Zealand, offers a plethora of services to meet various client needs. This Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz will delve into the impressive range of services they provide and how they can benefit their potential customers.

Web Hosting and VPS Server Solutions

This Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz begins with their web hosting and VPS server solutions. Quickweb.co.nz offers both New Zealand and U.S.-based hosting services. Operating from 12 locations worldwide, Quickweb.co.nz provides high-quality VPS server hosting, delivering exceptional performance and excellent uptime for websites of differing sizes.

Dedicated Server Solutions

In continuation of this Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz, the attention rightly goes to their dedicated server solutions, offered in New Zealand, the US, and Germany. Intended for enterprises that need powerful, dedicated hosting for high traffic and heavy applications, these servers provide superior performance and stability.

Virtual Servers and VPS Plans

Further extending this Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz, their range of Virtual Servers and VPS Plans rightly deserves a mention. Quickweb offers an intuitive VPS Manager and a variety of VPS plans. These plans encompass standard configurations, high performance KVM VPS, Solid State VPS, and even budget options, allowing clients to choose according to their needs and budget.

Powerful Features and Excellent Support

Nearly concluding this Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz, the features and support offered by Quickweb also stand out. The company guarantees 99.9% uptime and hosts servers in over 12 cities worldwide. The support provided by the Quickweb.co.nz team deserves praise, with fast response times and round-the-clock assistance.


In conclusion, this [Web Hosting Review for Quickweb.co.nz](http://quickweb.co.nz/) showcases the company’s extensive range of comprehensive services, from web hosting and VPS, to dedicated servers. With a commitment to high-performance technology and superior support, Quickweb.co.nz caters to the diverse needs of their clients. Therefore, Quickweb.co.nz potentially positions itself as an ideal choice for businesses looking for a reliable web hosting provider.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Configuring your own cPanel DNS Server

Configuring your own DNS Server with cPanel+WHM is really easy and recommended if you wish to host multiple domains in your cPanel server or you want to run a shared hosting environment. Having your own DNS server would give you flexibility of adding domains and then cPanel will automatically use your server to resolve domain names everytime you add a domain/website in your server.

How to disable cPanel redirection to SSL?

There are times you want to disable automatic to SSL connection while accessing WHM, cPanel, Webmail, so you can access cPanel/WHM via standard ports 2082 and 2086, this is pretty useful if you have SSL issue that’s preventing you from loging into your server or cPanel account because it may unable to decrypt your stored password.  Login to WHM >> Tweak Setting >> Uncheck the following options under Redirection Always redirect users to the ssl/tls ports when visiting /cpanel, /webmail, etc. Also you have to uncheck the following option under Security in Tweak Settings. Require SSL for all remote logins to cPanel, WHM and Webmail. This setting is recommended.  If you are unable to login to WHM backend, you can disable those options from the shell. SSH to the server as root. SSH to your server as root Open # nano /var/cpanel/cpanel.config and set the following options to 0 (zero). alwaysredirecttossl requiressl —- alwaysredirecttossl=0 requiressl=0 —– Save the file and exit.

Connecting to your VPS via VNC

This knowledge base article will explain how you can connect to your VNC enabled Linux VPS. (Note: We only allow GUI+VNC on all VPS with 1GB of RAM and above due to performance issues) The first thing you need to do is be sure you have your VPS built with an OS template that has “”VNC”” preinstalled. If you do not have an OS template with VNC preinstalled, then you must rebuild your VPS. Go into your HyperVM control panel and then to “”Rebuild””, then look for one of the OS templates that has “vnc” (…-vnc.tar.gz) in its name. (NOTE: Keep in mind that this will erase all your data and wipe your VPS clean with the new template! Be sure to make remote backups first!) Once you have your VPS using one of our templates with “”VNC”” preinstalled, please follow our simple steps to connect to your VPS via VNC. 1) Set your VNC Password via SSH command line. Login to your VPS through SSH (Putty) and type “”vncpasswd”” without the quotes. Then set your password,u should now be connected to your VPS!

How can I enable Mod-Rewrite Module?

n order to enable Mod_Rewrite for your site you should create a text file called .htacccess in the directory where you wish the rewrite rules to apply. The first line of this text file should be: RewriteEngine On After that you can place your rewrite rules. Here are some examples for Joomla’s SEF option: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.htm|\.php|\.html|/[^.]*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(content/|component/) index.php Many applications come with ready to use rewrite rules that can be found in a file called htaccess.txt.

How to install Image::Magick in cPanel server?

It is easy to install iMageMagick in your QuickWeb cPanel server (VPS or Dedicated Server only) just run the command below as root.

Specification: QuickWeb Hosting

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