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Short service description for MayChuViet

VietHosting is an established web hosting and domain service provider targeting a wide array of client needs. Their comprehensive product range covers various solutions, including cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting, reseller hosting, KVM VPS, large VPS, dedicated servers, and colocation services—all of which are tailored to accommodate different requirements, from smaller setups to enterprise-level. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet article.

In addition to its suite of hosting services, VietHosting offers account management services such as control panel licenses (cPanel and DirectAdmin), CloudLinux licenses, LiteSpeed licenses, and SSL certificate registrations. These all ensure that their clients’ websites remain secure and efficient, providing an overall smooth user experience.

With the aim to provide exceptional customer service, VietHosting’s accessible website simplifies account registration, allowing users to connect via third-party services such as Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore, the intuitive portal design ensures easy navigation for users, facilitating seamless account maintenance, domain registration, and service management. The site also offers language and currency selection options, making it adaptable to a global audience.

To support its clientele, VietHosting maintains an active knowledge base, which users can leverage to find helpful guides and articles. Additionally, the provider shares critical updates via announcements, ensuring that any network-related issues are communicated promptly.

In conclusion, VietHosting’s extensive portfolio, competitive pricing, and commitment to excellent customer service position it as a reliable, all-inclusive resource for web hosting and domain solutions. Their user-friendly website furthers this commitment, providing a seamless experience for newcomers and existing clientele alike.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Shared Hosting$2.04 - $15.28
VPS Hosting$15.58 - $101.86
Dedicated Server Hosting$127.32 - $331.03

Shared Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 1 GB
Bandwidth: 30 GB
Panel: cPanel
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 2 GB
Bandwidth: 60.01 GB
Panel: cPanel
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 5 GB
Bandwidth: 100.04GB
Panel: cPanel
Number of Sites: Unlimited
Space: 10 GB
Bandwidth: 179.92GB
Panel: cPanel
Number of Sites: Unlimited

VPS Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 30 GB
CPU: 2 x 2.67GHz
Space: 40 GB
CPU: 4 cores
Space: 60 GB
CPU: 4 cores
Space: 120 GB
CPU: 6 cores
RAM: 16 GB

Dedicated Server Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 500 GB
CPU: 8 x 3.30GHz
Space: 275 GB
CPU: 16x2.60GHz
RAM: 16 GB
Space: 275 GB
CPU: 32x2.60GHz
RAM: 64 GB
Space: 275 GB
CPU: 32x2.60GHz
RAM: 128 GB

Unveiling Vietnamese Web Hosting Giant: A Thorough Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet

Establishing an online presence takes more than just an excellent website design; it demands a solid and reliable web hosting base. In light of this, we bring you this comprehensive Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet, a leading name in the Vietnamese web hosting industry.

[MayChuViet](, provides a spectrum of web hosting services, satisfying an array of needs and budgets. Our Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet will delve into the key aspects that make it a preferred choice amidst the local and international users.

1. Broad Range of Hosting Services

One of the key points to highlight in this Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet is the extensive range of hosting services they offer. MayChuViet provides Hosting cPanel, Hosting DirectAdmin, KVM VPS, Large VPS, Reseller hosting as well as dedicated servers. Each service is meticulously designed to cater to various needs, be it a small business, an individual, or a large corporation.

2. License Services

MayChuViet goes beyond the standard web hosting route. As part of their services, they offer licenses for important programs and security software such as cPanel, DirectAdmin, CloudLinux, and LiteSpeed. This aspect of their dispensation is much appreciated in our Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet.

3. SSL Certificates

Security is a huge concern for online platforms. MayChuViet offers SSL certificates, which help ensure the protection of your site and the data of its visitors. This focus on security is a noteworthy aspect of our Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet.

4. Domain Registration and Transfer

MayChuViet provides seamless solutions for domain registration and transfer. They provide the convenience of checking domain availability and a hassle-free domain transfer process, offering users the crucial tools to establish and manage their digital identity.

5. Exceptional Customer Service

In conclusion, this Web Hosting Review for MayChuViet highlights the fact that their exceptional customer service granted through several contact mediums cannot be overlooked. Their customer service provides professional assistance and guidance, which is critical for both novice and experienced website managers.

So, whether you’re a novice website owner trying to establish your online presence or an experienced webmaster, MayChuViet offers a myriad of services to meet your specific requirements.

For insightful reviews, detailed guides, and comprehensive comparisons, visit [HostLecture]( We strive to be your reliable companion in making well-informed decisions and finding the best fit for your web hosting needs.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

I am a customer, what should I do if I want to change the plan I am using to another plan?

For existing customers, if they want to switch to another package that is smaller or larger, it will be calculated as follows: Amount of fee to pay = ( Number of months you want to register for a new plan x monthly price of a new plan ) – [ Amount paid – ( Number of months used for a current plan x monthly price of a current plan use ) ] Rate : $1 = 20,000 VND After paying the difference fee, please contact to be transferred as required.

Optimizing Your vBulletin Forum To Run Faster?

Move Attachments to the File System First go to the cPanel’s File Manager and create an “attachments” directory in your site’s offline root directory (the directory that File Manager defaults to) and CHMod it 777. Keeping this directory offline is good for security purposes (no one will be able to view attachments they do not have permission to view). Now go to the AdminCP, expand the Attachments list on the left side and click on Attachment Storage Type. Move your attachments out of the database and into the file system. Here is the path you will want to use, replacing yourCPanelusername with the username you use to login to cPanel: /home/yourCPanelusername/attachments Move Avatars and Profile Pics to the File System In the File Manager, CHMod the customavatars and customprofilepics directories in your forums directory 777. Go to your AdminCP, expand the Avatars menu on the left side and click User Picture Storage Type. Move the avatars and profile pics to the file system. Here is the path you will want to for the avatars: /home/yourCPanelusername/public_html/forums/customavatars The URL should be: /forums/customavatars Here is the path you will want to use for your profile pics: /home/yourCPanelusername/public_html/forums/customprofilepics The URL should be: /forums/customprofilepics If you use something other than /forums/ for your forums directory, you will want to adjust the path accordingly. Also, be sure to replace yourCPanelusername with the name you use to log in to cPanel. Move CSS to the File System In the File Manager, CHMod yourvbulletin_css directory 777 (inside the clientscript directory of your forums directory). Go to your AdminCP, expand the vBulletin Options menu and select vBulletin options. From there select Style and Language Options in the drop down menu. Then set “Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?” to Yes and click Submit. Check your gzip settings Gzip is a compression technology that can reduce your site’s bandwidth usage and by reducing transfer times, reduce server load. ASO already has gzip enabled on their servers (unless you are on Beta on Gamma) so setting gzip in vBulletin will double gzip pages, making them load slower, so you will want to turn off gzip in vBulletin. Here for instructions for everyone who is not on Beta or Gamma: Go to your AdminCP, expand the vBulletin Options menu and select vBulletin options. From there select Cookies and HTTP Header Options in the drop down menu. Then set “GZIP HTML Output” to No, set “GZIP Compression Level” to 0 and click Submit. Increase Cached Posts Lifespan Go to your AdminCP, expand the vBulletin Options menu and select vBulletin options. From there select Server Settings and Optimization Options in the drop down menu. Then set “Cached Posts Lifespan” to 90 and click Submit. Other people might recommend setting this to 30 but my forums have it set to 90 and unless you are strapped for server space, setting it to 90 could not hurt. Disable Template Name in HTML Comments Go to your AdminCP, expand the vBulletin Options menu and select vBulletin options. From there select General Settings in the drop down menu. Then set “Add Template Name in HTML Comments” to off and click Submit. Disable Search and Who is Online for Guests Go to your AdminCP, expand the Usergroups menu and select Usergroup Manager. From there select Unregistered / Not Logged In. Set both “Can Search Forums” and “Can View Who’s Online” to off and click Submit. Turn on fulltext searching Go to your AdminCP, expand the vBulletin Options menu and select Search Type. Set “Empty postindex and word tables?” to yes and click Submit. Prevent search engine spiders from visiting areas of your forums that they do not need to spider Create a robots.txt file with the following and upload it to your public_html directory: User-agent: * Disallow: /forums/admincp/ Disallow: /forums/clientscript/ Disallow: /forums/cpstyles/ Disallow: /forums/customavatars/ Disallow: /forums/customprofilepics/ Disallow: /forums/images/ Disallow: /forums/modcp/ Disallow: /forums/ajax.php Disallow: /forums/attachment.php Disallow: /forums/calendar.php Disallow: /forums/cron.php Disallow: /forums/editpost.php Disallow: /forums/global.php Disallow: /forums/image.php Disallow: /forums/inlinemod.php Disallow: /forums/joinrequests.php Disallow: /forums/login.php Disallow: /forums/member.php Disallow: /forums/memberlist.php Disallow: /forums/misc.php Disallow: /forums/moderator.php Disallow: /forums/newattachment.php Disallow: /forums/newreply.php Disallow: /forums/newthread.php Disallow: /forums/online.php Disallow: /forums/poll.php Disallow: /forums/postings.php Disallow: /forums/printthread.php Disallow: /forums/private.php Disallow: /forums/profile.php Disallow: /forums/register.php Disallow: /forums/report.php Disallow: /forums/reputation.php Disallow: /forums/search.php Disallow: /forums/sendmessage.php Disallow: /forums/showgroups.php Disallow: /forums/subscription.php Disallow: /forums/threadrate.php Disallow: /forums/usercp.php Disallow: /forums/usernote.php If you use something other than /forums/ for your forums directory, you will want to adjust the paths accordingly. Read more:

Instructions to fix joomla 1.0.x incompatibility error on php 5.3.x?

Currently php version 5.2.17 has ended of life, all shared hosting servers of VietHosting have been upgraded to php version 5.3.13, some customers using joomla 1.0.x version will encounter the following error: “Warning: Parameter 2 to frontpage() expected to be a reference, value given in /your-root-installation/includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php on line 100″ . or: “Warning: Parameter 1 to modMainMenuHelper::buildXML() expected to be a reference, value given in /your-root-installation/libraries/joomla/cache/handler/callback.php on line 99″ or: “Warning: Parameter 1 to HTML_content::show() expected to be a reference, value given in/your-root-installation/includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php on line 92″ The fix is ​​as follows: Open the following file: /includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php find line 74: $arguments = func_get_args(); and replace it with: $arguments = func_get_args(); $numargs = func_num_args(); for($i=1; $i < $numargs; $i++){ $arguments[$i] = &$arguments[$i]; } Will fix the above error, hope the article is useful for you!

Adjust local time for VPS?

etc /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh /etc/localtime rdate -s If you get an error when running rdate, install rdate: yum -y install rdate

How to register and use Google Apps ?

To do this, your domain must support DNS manage (Add A Record / Cname / MX). Or you can use it through Free DNS services like EveryDNS.NET, when you are eligible, you can start. Step 1: Signing up for a Google Apps account at: Choose about 50 accounts Step 2: After registering an account for your domain there You go to the management page of Google Apps to activate the service. * Verify your domain ownership You can choose either Upload an HTML file or Change your Cname Record Follow its requirements, then click Verify. Finish this step. * Active Mail – this step is important. For domains with dns manager, you can add A Record as follows: www —> IP Host you are using @ —> IP Host you are using subdomain —> IP Host you are using This ensures you Still using the normal host. To use Email with google apps, you create MX records for your domain as follows: @tendomaincua —> ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. Priority 10 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. Priority 20 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. Priority 20 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. Priority 30 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. Priority 30 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. Priority 30 @tendomaincua (or @ ) —> ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. Priority 30 After completing the above steps, go to the Google Apps management page to Verify for the Active Mail section. Step 3: For current hosting, the most commonly used is Cpanel. If you have Root / Reseller rights that can access Edit DNS Zone , then you go there, delete all Records related to MX. Then add a new MX record as follows: Domain: (don’t add www) TTL: default 14400 Record Type: MX Priority box: 10 Next box is Record Mail server: Follow these steps in turn for 5 Record Mail Server : Mail Server: ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. –> Priority: 10 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. –> Priority: 20 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. –> Priority: 30 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. –> Priority: 40 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM. –> Priority: 50 For Shared Cpanel Hosting users : 1. Login to Cpanel. 2. Go to the Mail section . 3. Select Modify Mail Exchanger (MX Entry) . You will see a list of MX records. 4. Select Change an MX Entry . 5. In the Change MX for… box , enter ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. 6. Select Change .

Specification: MayChuViet

Control Panel


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7 Days


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