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Short service description for JavaProvider specializes in offering automated Java hosting, characterized by features such as Tomcat hosting and Java Server Pages (JSP) hosting. They provide customers with high-quality and competitively-priced services, making it a viable choice for businesses with Java-based applications. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider article.

Prominently, utilizes Tomcat hosting for enhanced web application and server performance, effectively catering to larger projects under a price that’s friendly to every budget. The heap sizes and bandwidth go up to 1TB, coupled with a capacity of 10GB RAID10 SSD Disk – ensuring a robust and fast hosting environment.

Beyond hosting, the company also offers domain registration services. A standout feature is their allocation of unlimited domains, email accounts, and MySQL/PgSQL databases within their hosting plans. Also, they offer Virtual Private Servers (VPS) with sizes ranging from XEN256 to XEN768, equipped with varying RAM and bandwidth options.

Their dedicated hosting plans come with a built-in control panel for managing Java aspects of the site, and security features are also top-notch. With the inclusion of robust version control systems like SVN, CVS, GIT, underlines its commitment to offering comprehensive Java hosting solutions.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Java Hosting$9.99
VPS Hosting$10.00 - $30.00

Java Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Private Tomcat
Disk Space (Raid 10): 10GB
HeapSize: 160MB
Traffic: unlimited
Number of Domains: unlimited
Number of Email Accounts: unlimited
Number of MySQL Databases: unlimited
100% Backup Service
Unlimited War application
Apache Tomcat 7, 6, 5.5, 4, Apache Tomcat 1.5.1
SSH access
JDK 1.7, 1.6 or 1.5
Java Control Panel to restart Tomcat/change JDK version, etc.
Servlets, JSP, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, JSTL, Struts, Grails
Upgrade HeapSize anytime $5/month for 32MB. 30% discounts for 128MB addon
Data Bases: MYSQL 5.5.x, PostgreSQL 9.3.x
Git/CVS/Subversion (SVN) repository
PHP 5.3, Python, Perl, Ruby.

VPS Hosting Pricing Package and Features

VPS Xen256
Disk Space: 10GB
Bandwidth: 200GB
RAM: 256MB
Setup Charge: Free Setup
VPS Xen512
Disk Space: 20GB
Bandwidth: 400GB
RAM: 512MB
Setup Charge: Free Setup
VPS Xen768
Disk Space: 30GB
Bandwidth: 400GB
RAM: 768MB
Setup Charge: Free Setup
VPS Xen1024
Disk Space: 40GB
Bandwidth: 400GB
RAM: 1024MB
Setup Charge: Free Setup

Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider: A Deep Dive into Java-Based Hosting Solutions

Greetings to our tech-savvy audience! We are on a mission to explore the niche world of Java hosting services, and today’s focus is on JavaProvider – an essential player in this domain. This Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider serves to analyze their array of services and provide insights to our audience over at Hostlecture to make well-informed selections for their hosting requirements.

JavaProvider’s Services: Unveiling Their Offerings

To kick off our Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider, we’ll highlight the range of services they provide to cater to the webmasters’ diverse needs:

1. Dedicated JVM Java Hosting: JavaProvider specializes in offering dedicated JVM hosting plans that come with features like unlimited domains, web applications, databases, and generous resources like 10GB RAID10 SSD Disk and 1TB Bandwidth.
2. Tomcat Pro: For more advanced requirements, JavaProvider offers their Tomcat Pro package, which comes with 10GB RAID10 SSD Disk, TomEE availability, 320MB Heap Size, and 1TB Bandwidth.
3. Java VPS Packages: JavaProvider has designed a series of Java VPS packages, ranging from XEN256 to XEN768. These packages provide clients with different resource allocations, making it easy for businesses of all sizes to find the perfect package for them.
4. Domain Registration: Beyond hosting services, JavaProvider also offers domain registration for businesses looking to establish their online presence.

Support & Service Quality: Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider

A key aspect of our Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider is evaluating their commitment to customer support and service quality.

1. Java Control Panel: JavaProvider provides clients with a custom Java Control Panel, enabling them to manage their hosting environment quickly and efficiently.
2. Subversion Support: Understanding the needs of the developer community, JavaProvider offers version control systems like SVN, CVS, and GIT as part of their service.
3. Reseller Program: For clients looking to sell hosting services as a business, JavaProvider’s reseller program allows them to benefit from discounts on purchasing additional Java hosting packages.
4. Customer Support: Although live chat is available only for pre-sales queries, JavaProvider offers email support to assist their clients with deployment and technical issues.

Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider: Summing Up

Drawing our Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider to a close, we find that JavaProvider has carved a unique space in the world of Java-based hosting solutions. With dedicated JVM hosting plans, user-friendly control panels, and a focus on the needs of the developer community, JavaProvider sets itself apart as a solid choice for clients seeking Java hosting solutions.

We hope you found this Web Hosting Review for JavaProvider helpful. Join us again on Hostlecture as we continue to review more hosting providers and help you make well-informed hosting decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Enabling Remote MySQL In The Domain CPanel Interface Using The X3 CPanel Theme?

“Log in to the domain’s cPanel interface and find the section on the main page labeled Databases. In the Databases section find the link/button labeled Remote MySQL and click on it. A new page will appear in your browser. Add a hostname or IP address that you want to grant remote MySQL access to and then click the Save button. If a host or IP address needs to be removed from this list you can click the red X next to the entry in the list. Once you have made your changes/additions to the list you can return the main page of the cPanel interface, or log out if you have no other tasks to take care of.”

How Do I Access Java Control Panel?

Java Control Panel URL is always http://SERVERNAME/jcp. This will usually redirect you to secured https://jcp.SERVERNAME where SERVERNAME is hostname of your server as given in New Hosting Account Created email. Please refer to the ‘welcome email’ that was sent to you at the time of your account set-up to find detailed Java Control Panel access information including your username/password that are the same for hosting and Java Control Panel.

What Is The Java Control Panel UI/overview?

Java Control Panel allows JavaProvider.NET customers to manage their JVM and application server independently of our support team. This web browser based panel will allow you to change JDK and application server version, provide you with Tomcat manager/admin credentials, show you basic graph for your JVM e.g. heap memory usage, allow to manage mappings between regular Apache webserver (php/per/python) and application server, list dedicated ports assigned to your account and more.

How Can I Start/stop/restart Tomcat By-myself?

Please log in to your Java Control Panel provided to you by (panel URL given in welcome email). In “Appservers” section – you will see a “Force Restart” button. Pressing of this button makes sure JVM (and thus your appserver) is definitely stopped then started. This is recommended method when you upload a new WAR. Using Tomcat Manager undeploy and deploy cycle can cause memory leaks. Another method is to login via SSH and run shortcut command ‘jr’ – java restart. Similar shortcuts available are: ‘jk’ – java kill, ‘js’ – java start.

How Do I Change Tomcat Version By-myself? Which Versions Are Available?

Please log in to your Java Control Panel provided to you by In “Appserver” section – you will see a selection of available appserver versions for your product, e. g. Tomcats for Tomcat product. There you can freely change between Tomcat versions. Previous version is backed up in your home directory for reference. Please contact us if you require other Tomcat related support or a version not available in the panel. Selecting required version and pressing “Save” button causes new appserver to be setup and started. Mappings are preserved. Most of Tomcat versions are available, any not available can be added on request.

Specification: JavaProvider

Control Panel

Disk Space


Disk Type

Money Back:

30 Days


Server Location

Germany, USA

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