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Short service description for

GotServer is a comprehensive web hosting platform providing an array of services including shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS (virtual private servers), and dedicated server solutions. It caters to a broad range of users – from individuals to small and large businesses, offering web solutions that combine excellent performance, reliability, and affordability. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for article.

GotServer lends its clients unlimited disk space and bandwidth, with web hosting plans integrating industry-standard control panels like cPanel and Softaculous for a user-friendly and seamless experience. The shared web hosting services are designed to support a multitude of sub-domains and email accounts. The platform also features automatic app installer Softaculous, supporting one-click installation for over 400 scripts such as WordPress and Joomla.

For businesses with more formidable web hosting demands, GotServer offers reseller hosting and VPS servers with abundant disk space and expansive bandwidth allocation. Advanced users with enterprise-scale needs can leverage their dedicated server solutions featuring Intel Xeon processors, high-capacity DDR3 ECC memory, and substantial disk space.

Recognizing the paramount importance of security, the platform includes AntiVirus and ConfigServer Firewall, ensuring robust protection against threats. It also provides free SSL and regular backups, ensuring data integrity and security at all times.

Gotserver ensures a seamless transition for clients migrating from other hosting platforms by offering free domain, file, data, and application transfer services. Furthermore, they offer round-the-clock support to promptly respond to clients’ technical needs, emphasizing their commitment to excellent customer service.

To sum up, GotServer presents itself as a reliable, cost-effective, and security-focused web hosting platform, providing comprehensive solutions catering to various web hosting needs.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Web Hosting$3.99 - $9.99
VPS Hosting$15.00 - $95.00

Web Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Disk Space 5GB
Domains 1
Gotserver we offer SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt for Free Free SSL
Free migration to Yes
Process Numbers 25
24/7 Security Monitoring and DDoS Protection Yes
Interday Backups Yes
PHP versions 5.3 to 7.3
Softaculous AutoInstaller Yes
Uptime Guarantee 99.9%
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Yes
Domains 5
Gotserver we offer SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt for Free Free SSL
Free migration to Yes
Process Numbers 35
24/7 Security Monitoring and DDoS Protection Yes
Interday Backups Yes
PHP versions 5.3 to 7.3
Softaculous AutoInstaller Yes
Uptime Guarantee 99.9%
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Yes
Gotserver we offer SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt for Free Free SSL
Free migration to Yes
Process Numbers 50
24/7 Security Monitoring and DDoS Protection Yes
Interday Backups Yes
PHP versions 5.3 to 7.3
Softaculous AutoInstaller Yes
Uptime Guarantee 99.9%
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Yes

VPS Hosting Pricing Package and Features

2 Core Intel® C2750 - VPS-01
2x2.4GHz CPU Speed
2GB DDR3 Memory
50GB SSD Disk Space
2TB Bandwidth
4 Core Intel® C2750 - VPS-02
4x2.4GHz CPU Speed
4GB DDR3 Memory
100GB HDD Disk Space
3TB Bandwidth
6 Core Intel® C2750 - VPS-03
6x2.4GHz CPU Speed
6GB DDR3 Memory
150GB HDD Disk Space
4TB Bandwidth
8 Core Intel® C2750 - VPS-04
8x2.4GHz CPU Speed
8GB DDR3 Memory
200GB HDD Disk Space
8 Core Intel® C2750 - VPS-05
8x2.4GHz CPU Speed
10GB DDR3 Memory
300GB HDD Disk Space

Title: Web Hosting Review for Meeting Your Hosting Needs with Excellence and Flexibility

Hello, tech enthusiasts! HostLecture is back with another comprehensive review, this time focusing on the international web hosting provider, This Web Hosting Review for intends to provide you with a thorough analysis of their services, so you can confidently choose the right web hosting solution for your needs.

To initiate our Web Hosting Review for, let’s take a look at their diverse range of services. provides web hosting (shared, reseller, VPS, and dedicated servers), streaming, and domain registration services. caters to various hosting needs, from individual bloggers to thriving businesses.

Continuing with our Web Hosting Review for, the company boasts of unlimited disk space and bandwidth for their web hosting plans. All plans also come with cPanel control, Softaculous auto-installer, antivirus protection, and daily backups, ensuring a user-friendly and hassle-free experience for their customers.

In this Web Hosting Review for, we delve into their reseller hosting plans, which offer 100GB of disk space and unlimited bandwidth. With cPanel and antivirus included, reseller hosting becomes a powerful solution for businesses looking to expand their services.

Analyzing their VPS and dedicated server offerings in the Web Hosting Review for, we find that they provide Windows and Linux operating systems, ample memory, and up to 5TB bandwidth for VPS plans. Their dedicated server packages come equipped with powerful processors, high storage capacity, and a dedicated port with 100TB bandwidth.

Moreover, during the Web Hosting Review for, we discover that transferring your domain, files, and data is a smooth process. guarantees free transfers for your domain, files, data, and 1-click applications with minimal downtime and disruption.

In terms of customer support, provides an online chat feature, allowing you to easily reach out for assistance. They ensure that help is just a few clicks away, making your hosting experience as comfortable and problem-free as possible.

To wrap up our Web Hosting Review for, it’s evident that their versatile service offerings, user-friendly features, robust security measures, and excellent customer support make them an ideal choice for web hosting solutions.

We hope that this Web Hosting Review for assists you in selecting the perfect hosting services for your requirements. Stay connected to HostLecture for more insightful web hosting reviews and expert advice on finding the best solutions in the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

How can I reduce the spam my domain receives?

“Solution Our servers have two primary method of spam control. One of these forms is RBLs (Real time Block Lists), and SpamAssassin. RBLs essentially function by performing a DNS query on the IP of a mail server trying to deliver/relay mail through the local server to a DNSBL (Domain Name Server Block List), which contains a list of all IPs known to be sending spam, or known to be an ISP’s Dynamic IP range. This will help reduce known spammers for sending email to our servers, as well as possible trojaned PCs (since ISPs provide their customers with an outgoing SMTP server, no dynamic IP should directly connect to our mail server, unless they are our client. In which case, our mail server setup will still accept your mail as long as you are using SMTP-AUTH, or you are logging into your POP3 account before connecting to the SMTP server for your hosting account). SpamAssassin is not enabled by default, and each user needs to turn on themselves if they wish to receieve the spam filtering. To do so, you do the following: 1) Login to your cpanel account 2) Click on Mail. 3) Click on SpamAssassin. 4) Click on Enable SpamAssassin 5) Cliick on Configure SpamAssassin to modify any system defaults, or provide custom settings (optional) If you already have SA enabled, then we would recommend that you lower your score setting so SA becomes stricter on what is classifies as spam or ham (legitimate mail).”

How can I prevent my site from being hacked?

“1. Software and Scripts Up to Date. If for some reason your running an old version of phpbb, or maybe an old vbulletin or even a simple script, make sure you upgrade them to the latest version. That may get your website hacked easily using methods like RFI or SQL injections. 2. Plug ins, Add ons and Modules. Running a CMS site? like Joomla, Mambo, Datalife or maybe a forum like phpbb, SMF, vbulletin will think again before uploading/installing modules and plug ins. The developers of those scripts take good care of their codes to keep it clean of exploits and bugs. The plug-ins developers most of time don’t, they are the 70% cause of hacking those kinds of software’s. 3. It’s Your Fault. Most Webmasters think that if they get hacked it’s because their Hosting sucks or the hosting staff isn’t doing its job, but they’re WRONG. If you get hacked it’s your fault. If you install a script with bugs, the hosting owner can’t do anything about it. If someone exploits your bug and gains access to your site it’s your fault, don’t blame your web hosting company, blame yourself. After being hacked you should try to lookfor your scripts in sites like to see if your scripts did have any bugs. 4. Protect Your Password If you run a very popular site then be careful! Some people may love you, some people may hate you. They could try to get into your FTP, cPanel, or hosting account. Some of them may even try to send you Keyloggers, Trojans and monitoring programs to get access to your websites. Be careful when accepting files, using instant messaging softwares like Yahoo, MSN, or AIM. Also always use the hardest password possible. 5. Keep your Hosting Account and PC Clean Most people have lots of files they don’t even use on their hosting accounts and computers. On their hosting accounts this may cause wrong indexation in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn, and Ask. They may start indexing old sites in forgotten folders, as personal files like pictures and more, it’s always good to keep your hosting account with only your website updated content. 6. Quality Before Quantity. Use quality software for your site. Why use phpbb (greatly Coded), if you can buy a vBulletin License. If you’re already making a revenue from your site using advertising programs like Google AdSense, cpx Interactive and more, then think that you have to invert to win. The more you invert, the better chances you have to win, this may keep your site clean of hackers. 7.Backups, Backups and yes.. Backups. Most common mistakes people make is uploading and just uploading! Make a backup of your Site! Keep the files on your PC, or in your USB or External Hard Drive, it can save your life. I got hacked 5 times and you can ask my visitors if they have ever seen an hacked index on my sites.. NEVER. That’s the greatest satisfaction of a hacker. Never let your users see that you got hacked. Clean your whole hosting account before leaving that killing ranking index on your site. 8. Don’t put all your eggs on the same basket. If you have some time in the Web Business and have more than 2 sites.. then protect them! Did you know that if one of your websites gets hacked, all of the other websites in the same hosting account may get hacked too? Yes, Defacers can easily upload a shell to your FTP and get access to all your sites. You can easily prevent this by buying a Reseller Account or buying more than one Hosting Account, even if they offer you a lot of hosting storage and bandwidth. 9. Knowledge is Power! Learn, read, and search. Now days with the use of great search engines you can access a lot of information that may keep you safe and may even make you a Defacer or Hacker. Most of the Hackers have learned to use search engines and community forums. Underground community’s that provide them carding information, defacing information and a lot more. To Prevent them you gotta think like them. 10. Check CHMOD, Permissions. Most of time while installing new scripts they ask you to CHMOD to 777, for some files, some times that may be fatal. When a Defacer comes into your site files it becomes easier to modify/edit/delete the files with 777, if you public_html folder has those permissions your basically done, and hacked. But if it doesn’t then he can only modify the ones with those permissions. It’s good to keep in mind so that when you finish the installation you bring back all the old permissions. Bonus: for those VPS / Reseller / Dedicated Costumers is important to keep in mind that the root’s password for MySQL is also a big factor when talking about hacking, it’s always good not let it as default, this may cause you lose all your tables and rows.”

What is CPU/Memory/MySQL abuse?

First, it must be made clear that CPU/Memory usage is different than bandwidth usage. Users become suspended when they start to use an excessive amount of a server’s resources and it starts to affect other users, making everyones webpages load slowly. In a shared hosting environment this is unacceptable. Because of this, we take a pro-active approach to server abuse and suspend questionable users immediately. For further information, please consult our Resource Abuse Policy in our TOS at

How long does it take for an account to be setup?

rom the moment in which sign up for a shared plan, you can expect the Welcome E-mail within 4 hours. If you do not receive this after 6 hours, please submit a ticket or talk with one of our live help operators and they can help you resending the welcome e-mail.

Do you offer any scripts with your hosting packages?

“Yes our hosting packages came with Softaculous an amazing tool that allows you to easily install any of these popular web applications: -Gallery -WordPress -InvisionBoard -Joomla -PHPBB -OSCommerce And many more!”


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