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Short service description For G-server.com

G-Server is a comprehensive web services provider that caters to diverse online requirements. It offers services such as web hosting, domain registration, Virtual Private Server (VPS), WordPress hosting, and reseller hosting. The firm leverages state-of-the-art technologies to deliver fast, reliable, and flexible services to its clientele. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for G-server.com” article.

G-Server embraces an international usership, attesting to the multi-currency and domain-focused model. In the division of server services, it offers advanced solutions such as VPS SSD servers and private cloud solutions for businesses seeking more bespoke digital infrastructure. The company understands the importance of a strong internet presence, offering services like site development tools and SSL certificates for overall site security.

The platform also offers capable support, acknowledging post-service customer engagement. Adhering to the GDPR, G-Server provides service support through user portals, cyber chat systems, or phone for contract customers. Attesting to a robust balance of value and cost, the transparent pricing model adds to its appeal to a broad range of customers. All services provided by G-Server are geared towards helping businesses establish a high-speed, secure, and successful online presence.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Email HOSTING$1.96 - $6.8
VPS HOSTING$8.67 - $43.48
WINDOWS HOSTING$1.07 - $9.84

E-mail HOSTING Pricing Package and Features

E-Hosting unlimited domains
5 Giga disk visits/month
unlimited Emails
unlimited data
Antispam optimized
Mailing list included
Shared calendars reminders file sharing
E-Hosting unlimited domains
15 Giga disk visits/month
unlimited Emails
unlimited data
Antispam optimized
Mailing list included
Shared calendars reminders file sharing
E-Hosting unlimited domains
35 Giga disk visits/month
unlimited Emails
unlimited data
Antispam optimized
Mailing list included
Shared calendars reminders file sharing

VPS HOSTING Pricing Package and Features

Processors 1 2.8Ghz
1GB Memory
1 IP Address
30GB Disk
unlimited Downloads
Free download
Control panel NO
ROOT access activated
Processors 2 2.8Ghz
2GB Memory
1 IP Address
50GB Disk
unlimited Downloads
Free download
Control panel NO
ROOT access activated
Processors 3 2.8Ghz
4GB Memory
1 IP Address
70GB Disk
unlimited Downloads
Free download
Control panel NO
ROOT access activated

WINDOWS HOSTING Pricing Package and Features

Hosting 5 pages
5000 visits/month
50 Emails
unlimited data
CDN & SSL podpora
ASP optimized
MSSQL included
Click and install free apps
Hosting 15 pages
15000 visits/month
100 Emails
unlimited data
CDN & SSL podpora
ASP optimized
MSSQL included
Click and install free apps
Hosting 30 pages
50000 visits/month
50 Emails
unlimited data
CDN & SSL podpora
ASP optimized
MSSQL included
Click and install free apps

Web Hosting Review for G-server.com

Choosing the perfect web hosting provider can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of options available on the market. To guide our Hostlecture audience, we have prepared a comprehensive **Web Hosting Review for G-server.com**, a web hosting provider offering a variety of hosting services. Discover what makes G-server.com stand out in the following blog post.

Diverse Hosting Services

Starting off our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, this provider offers an assortment of hosting solutions to cater to different needs and requirements. Their services include shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, WordPress hosting, Windows hosting, and cPanel hosting. G-server.com also provides email hosting, giving customers a one-stop solution for their hosting requirements.

Competitive Pricing

In our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, it is essential to identify their competitive pricing. G-server.com has various web hosting plans at affordable rates, starting as low as €0.8 per month for cPanel shared hosting, €1.1 per month for email hosting, and €9 per month for VPS hosting. These prices make G-server.com an attractive choice for customers with different budgets.

Easy Domain Registration

Continuing with our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, customers can easily register unique domain names in just a few clicks. With a wide array of domain extensions to choose from, G-server.com offers both popular options, such as .com, .net, .org, and region-specific extensions like .si, .eu, .co.uk.

Hosting Performance and Security

In our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, it’s worth mentioning their commitment to offering high-performance web hosting with LiteSpeed Web Server technology and robust hardware. This ensures your websites will load quickly and efficiently.

As part of our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, we must also highlight their focus on securing their customers’ websites. They provide SSL certificates, offer CDN support, and optimize their hosting environment following industry best practices to ensure top-notch data security.

24/7 Customer Support

Finally, in our Web Hosting Review for G-server.com, the company provides dedicated 24/7 customer support to help address any issues or concerns you may have. They offer support through multiple channels, allowing customers easy access to help and quick resolutions to any problems.


To conclude our *Web Hosting Review for G-server.com*, this provider offers a comprehensive set of hosting services catering to various requirements. With competitive pricing, high-performance hosting environments, and a strong focus on security, G-server.com is a reliable partner for both individuals and businesses seeking efficient web hosting services. We hope this review helps the Hostlecture audience make an informed decision when considering G-server.com as their hosting provider.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

How do I set up mail in the client?

“Important settings to note: POP3 server: mail.g-server.com SMTP server: mail.g-server.com /requires password verification The SMTP server also works on port 587 and allows sending from the T-2, TuÅ¡mobil, etc. networks. In the E-mail control panel, you can automatically transfer the e-mail settings to outlook express with one click. We are also attaching instructions for setting it up in Outlook. http://servis.g-server.com/dl.php?type=d&id=11”

How do I order and install an SSL certificate?

“You can order an SSL certificate through our website. After ordering, you will receive an offer that you settle. After our activation, you will receive instructions on how to implement the certificate in the web server. If the certificate is on our server, we do it. If the certificate is hosted on another server, you need to get the appropriate web apache server code. After obtaining the code, you will be directed to a link where you enter the code and create a certificate that you use as protection for your website.”

Does your server allow installation of the joomla portal?

“The server enables worry-free installation of the joomla portal. In the last server updates, we simplified the installation of rights for users, so installing the joomla portal is easy. The servers are specially optimized for fast operation of the portals even at peak occupancy or visit. We host more and more users who want one or another online service. Optimum server setup only allows us to set up your system better than the competition. The user can change all settings and set the rights required by the modules via FTP access. Otherwise, we have excellent online help, where you submit a request to fix the problems. All additional settings can be set via the .htaccess file, which locally changes all vital functions.”

How do I set Joomla to no longer show installation warnings?

“Since the server has certain security requirements precisely for the sake of greater user security, it is still possible to customize each user account. You do this by creating a file named .htaccess (file with .) in the folder where the domain is pointed to and writing these two lines: php_flag register_globals ON php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on Please note that scripts that use safe mode off may reduce the security of websites.”

How can I see the contents of folders?

“Again, you can use the .htaccess file that you upload to the folder where you want to edit the settings. Enter: Options +Indexes This is a standard command for linux servers. However, we remind you to set the appropriate rights so that files are not deleted or modified. We recommend chmod 755 or 644. Example: in total commander, enter chmod 755 file name in the command line”

Specification: G-server.com

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