Simple Servers

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Short service description for Simple Servers

Simple Servers, a UK-based web hosting provider, specializes in Magento hosting solutions, catering to the needs of small to large businesses. With over 15 years of industry experience and two strategically placed data centers, Simple Servers leverages its expertise to provide unique, secure, and optimized web hosting solutions across shared, dedicated, and cloud platforms. The company takes pride in its full ownership of data centers, ensuring top-notch service quality and reliability. Best Web Hosting Review for For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for Simple Servers” article.

The offerings cover Magento Shared Hosting, Magento Dedicated Servers, Magento Enterprise Hosting, and M-Cloud SSD Cloud Hosting, ensuring diverse solutions for varying scales of online shops. Simple Servers’ hardware consists of brand-new Dell PowerEdge servers with a recycling period of just 24 months, ensuring clients receive the latest and best possible performance. The company emphasizes its 100% uptime SLA, guaranteeing uninterrupted service and connectivity, alongside a 3-hour hardware replacement, parts and labour guarantee, and 24-hour telephone support.

As the UK’s leading expert in Magento hosting, Simple Servers prioritizes security with offerings like Simple Sentinel WAF and compliance to PCI DSS and ISO27001. The data centers boast an NN (2N) redundancy standard, providing exceptional reliability for mission-critical sites. With full management support and a keen focus on ultra high-availability environments, Simple Servers differentiates itself from other hosting providers and ensures optimal service and security for its clients.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Shared Hosting$16.41 - $36.34
Dedicated Server Hosting$161.78 - $679.95

Shared Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Magento Core
Space: 899.99 MB
Bandwidth: 2.97 GB
Number of Sites: 1
Magento Power
Space: 2 GB
Bandwidth: 6.04 GB
Number of Sites: 1
Magento Pro
Space: 10 GB
Bandwidth: 30 GB
Number of Sites: 2
Magento Extreme
Space: 40 GB
Bandwidth: 49.97 GB
Number of Sites: 6

Dedicated Server Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Core Ds1
Space: 2 TB
CPU: 4 x 3.00GHz
RAM: 16 GB
Power Ds2
Space: 2 TB
CPU: 4 x 3.00GHz
RAM: 64 GB
Space: 2 TB
CPU: 4 x 3.00GHz
RAM: 128 GB
Pro Ds5
Space: 500 GB
CPU: 6 x 2.00GHz
RAM: 32 GB
Extreme Ds6
Space: 512 GB
CPU: 6 x 2.00GHz
RAM: 32 GB

Empowering Your E-commerce Experience: Web Hosting Review for at HostLecture

Navigating the bustling digital world of web hosting can be quite overwhelming. Our aim is to explore various hosting providers and present those that provide noteworthy services and exceptional value. This Web Hosting Review for intends to delve into the services and offerings of this UK-based hosting provider, demonstrating how they cater to the needs of their diverse clientele.

Beginning our Web Hosting Review for with an overview of their services, the company specializes in Magento hosting, including shared hosting, dedicated servers, and the M-Cloud SSD solution. Established in 2008, has honed their expertise in Magento hosting to address the requirements of businesses of all sizes.

Further into the Web Hosting Review for, we find that their infrastructure is built on Dell Poweredge servers. They have eight fully-owned premium UK data centers to ensure high reliability and optimal performance. Additionally, they provide a 100% uptime SLA, reflecting their commitment to consistent service quality.

Continuing our Web Hosting Review for, we notice their comprehensive support system, offering round-the-clock telephone support, a 3-hour response promise, and a 3-hour hardware replacement guarantee. This level of assistance is invaluable in ensuring the smooth and seamless operation of your Magento hosting services.

It is also worth mentioning in our Web Hosting Review for that they provide Advanced DDoS Protection for their servers. This is coupled with PCI DSS and ISO27001 certification, assuring clients that the security of their e-commerce operations is taken seriously by

Lastly, within the Web Hosting Review for, it is essential to spotlight their dedication to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. The company offers limited-availability dedicated server specials with over 40% discount and no contract, thus providing clients with affordable high-quality hosting services.

In conclusion, our Web Hosting Review for at HostLecture reveals a dedicated hosting provider with a focus on Magento hosting. Their commitment to security, infrastructure, and customer support makes them a reliable partner for businesses seeking dependable and specialized e-commerce hosting solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Images not showing front end but are backend Magento

Images not displaying front end after been uploaded in the back end of your magento install. First look at the path of the image to establish if it is been looked for in the cache directory i.e. /media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/…………../d/s Next check if the image is in the folders following the path without the cache directory i.e /media/catalog/product/d/s If the image is there delete the cache folder under …/media/catalog/product/ then recreate your image should now display.

Google Base Time out

A few of our clients have informed us that they are receiving the above error while attempting to update google base. This appears to be something that google has changed rather than a problem with magento or zend. The answer requires a slight tweak of the core code in this case /lib/Zend/Http/Client.php find the line timeout => 10 and increase to 30. Now try and reload your google base info

How to resolve the file permissions error in Magento Connect Manager?

Problem When you go the Magento Connect Manager in your Admin Panel, you may get the following error message: Error: Please check for sufficient write file permissions Solution Magento Connect requires write permissions to the Magento files in order to install new extensions or upgrade the software to a new version. You can change your file/folder permissions either thru your FTP Client (like FileZilla) OR via a SSH client (like Putty). Go inside your Magento folder & change permissions of ALL FILES & FOLDERS RECURSIVELY to “”777″”. ere’s how to do this via your SSH client. Log in to your SSH account and then execute the following commands: cd to magento install find . -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; chmod 666 downloader/config.ini You should now be able to access the Magento Connect Manager. When you have finished the installation/upgrade, you should reset the permissions by executing the following SSH commands: find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chmod o+w var media var/cache NOTE: If you do not have SSH access, or have any issues contact Simple Servers Support to get this issue solved.

Install Tesseract OCR libs from sources in Centos

1. Download Leptonica and Teseract sources: $ wget $ wget 2. Configure, compile, install libs: $ tar xzvf leptonica-1.69.tar.gz $ cd leptonica-1.69 $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ tar xzf tesseract-ocr-3.02.02.tar.gz $ cd tesseract-3.01 $ ./ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig 3. Download languages (english) and copy to tessdata folder: $ wget $ tar xzf tesseract-ocr-3.02.eng.tar.gz $ sudo cp tesseract-ocr/tessdata/* /usr/local/share/tessdata

Free One click Magento install

Install Magento in under 30 seconds using Installatron within your Control Panel with or without sample products. Nightly builds ensure the latest stable version

Specification: Simple Servers

Control Panel



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, ,

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Server Location

United Kingdom

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