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Short service description for nomeItalia is a distinguished web hosting and domain registration provider catering to various sizes of businesses and personal users since 1998. With a focus on professional quality and reliable services, positions itself as an ideal choice for clients seeking expansion and growth of their online presence. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia article.

Offering a wide range of solutions such as Web Hosting Basic, Web Hosting Business, Managed WordPress, and domain registration services, delivers versatile options for every online endeavor. Their hosting and domain registration services ensure clients receive personalized email addresses, advanced security measures, unlimited traffic, and access to user-friendly Web Control Panels and Software Installers.’s cPanel integration allows clients to effortlessly manage their web hosting accounts, email setup, and database administration. With Softaculous integration, users can swiftly install popular software such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and more, to achieve the desired functionality and appearance for their websites.

Prioritizing performance, the company utilizes LiteSpeed for all hosting packages, ensuring websites load significantly faster than traditional Apache servers.’s commitment to enhancing user experience and fostering growth is exemplified by their emphasis on premium customer support, constant improvement in services, and ongoing incorporation of valuable user feedback. For businesses and individuals seeking top-quality hosting and domain services, proves to be a reliable and customer-centered choice.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Web Hosting$1.81 - $4.55
Wordpress Hosting$6.93 - $20.07

Web Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Web hosting: 1GB
Traffic: Unlimited
Subdomains: 5
Control Panel: cPanel
Software Installer: Softaculous
Daily Backups: Incremental
Server: Linux
SSL Certificate Included (value 45eu): NO
Live Support
Databases MySQL: 1
FTP users: 1
Email boxes: 10
Mailing lists: NO
Personal Webmail
Web hosting: 2GB
Traffic: Unlimited
Subdomains: 10
Control Panel: cPanel
Software Installer: Softaculous
Daily Backups: Incremental
Server: Linux
SSL Certificate Included (value 45eu): YES
Live Support
Databases MySQL: 5
FTP users: 5
Email boxes: 50
Mailing lists: 1
Personal Webmail
Web hosting: 5GB
Traffic: Unlimited
Subdomains: Unlimited
Control Panel: cPanel
Software Installer: Softaculous
Daily Backups: Incremental
Server: Linux
SSL Certificate Included (value 45eu): YES
Live Support
Databases MySQL: Unlimited
FTP users: Unlimited
Email boxes: Unlimited
Mailing lists: Unlimited
Personal Webmail

WordPress Hosting Pricing Package and Features

WordPress Starter
EUR 76.00
1 FREE domain
1 FREE SSL Certificate
5GB SSD Hosting
Unlimited traffic
5 subdomains
2 MySQL Databases
cPanel panel
10 Professional Emails
Automatic daily backups
Malware detection
WordPress Standard
EUR 125.00
1 FREE domain
1 FREE SSL Certificate
10GB SSD Hosting
Unlimited traffic
10 subdomains
5 MySQL Database
cPanel panel
20 Professional Emails
Automatic daily backups
Malware detection
Wordpress TOP GUN
EUR 220.00
1 FREE domain
1 FREE SSL Certificate
20GB SSD Hosting
Unlimited traffic
Unlimited Subdomains
10 MySQL Databases
cPanel panel
20 Professional Emails
Automatic daily backups
Malware detection

Comprehensive Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia

Seeking a robust and reliable web hosting service in Italy and wondering where to begin? Look no further as we bring to you our detailed Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia. We will unpack the manifold services offered by nomeItalia, delving into the specifics of their unique selling propositions, and elucidating why this could be your go-to choice.

About nomeItalia

Establishing its reputation since 1998, nomeItalia has become a paragon of reliable and professional web hosting services along with domain registration. Catering to a wide range of clients from individual users to small, medium and large businesses, nomeItalia brings flexibility, robustness, and quality to the fore.

In our comprehensive Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia, we will scrutinize their key service offerings, ranging from domain registration, business web hosting, and more.

nomeItalia’s Service Offerings

Domain Registration:

nomeItalia offers affordable domain registration services, fostering instant credibility for its users. The service includes customizable email addresses to lend your business a professional image.

Web Hosting:

When conducting our Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia, we noted two types of web hosting services – Web Hosting Basic and Web Hosting Business.

Web Hosting Basic:

Starting at just 1,65€ per month, this service comes with 1GB web hosting, unlimited traffic, a control panel, software installer, and the provision of 5 sub-domains. cPanel comes pre-included, and the service is facilitated with Softaculous, enabling the easy installation of over 100 free software options like WordPress, Joomla, etc.

Web Hosting Business:

Starting at 6,99€ per month, this option is ideal for e-commerce businesses needing a traffic robust hosting platform. It offers unlimited traffic, a blend of cPanel and WHM, SEO, and Marketing tools, and SSL Certificates, all starting from 10GB Web Hosting.

Managed WordPress Hosting:

For users looking for a hassle-free WordPress experience, nomeItalia offers a managed WordPress hosting service starting at 76,00€ per year where they take care of installation, site speed optimization, plugin installations, WordPress updates, and backups.

Final Thoughts – Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia

In a nutshell, nomeItalia leaves no stone unturned in serving its clients with top-notch hosting services. LiteSpeed, a key feature of their hosting packages, enhances the speed of PHP processing by up to 50%, significantly reducing server load and improving client site performance.

Moreover, nomeItalia ensures a seamless customer service experience, providing technical assistance through an intuitive ticket system while continually enhancing its services based on customer feedback.

Now, with a comprehensive understanding of their offerings and how it helps its audience, we hope our Web Hosting Review for nomeItalia, helps you in making an informed decision. With experience certified since 1998, nomeItalia boasts a blend of affordability, reliability, and exceptional customer service that indeed stands out.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Configurare un account e-mail su Mozilla ThunderBird?

· Aprire il programma e cliccare su “Strumenti” e in seguito su “Impostazioni Account”; · Cliccare su “Aggiungi account”; · Inserire un flag sulla voce “Account di posta” e cliccare su “Avanti”; · Inserire il nome del mittente che verrà visualizzato nell’intestazione dell’e-mail e l’indirizzo. In seguito cliccare su “Avanti”; · Selezionare il tipo di protocollo che si desidera utilizzare per la gestione della propria posta, POP3. Come server della posta in ingresso sarà necessario utilizzare (esempio: e per la posta in uscita (esempio:; · Cliccare su “Avanti”; · Inserire i propri username e password nei campi dedicati e cliccare su “Avanti”; · Inserire una denominazione da associare all’ e mail e cliccare su “Avanti”; Cliccare su “Fine” per completare la procedura di configurazione. CONFIGURAZIONE PORTE Posta in entrate POP3 · Nella finestra delle Impostazioni account seleziona la voce impostazioni server e inserisci (esempio: nel campo Nome server, 995 nel campo Porta. · Nel menu relativo alla voce Sicurezza della connessione seleziona la voce SSL/TLS · Metodo di autenticazione Password normale Posta in uscita (SMTP) Nella colonna sinistra clicca sulla voce Server in uscita (SMTP) presente nell’elenco a sinistra, quindi clicca sul bottone Modifica… che trovi a destra dell’elenco degli account di posta. · Nome server: (esempio: · Sicurezza della connessione: SSL/TLS · Metodo di autenticazione: Password normale · Nome utente: indirizzo email che stai configurando esempio “” Clicca sul bottone OK per confermare le nuove impostazioni. Nella finestra successiva clicca sul bottone OK per concludere la configurazione.

Configurazione di MS Outlook?

Aprire il programma e cliccare, nella barra del menu, su “Strumenti” e in seguito su “Impostazioni account”; Cliccare su “Nuovo” e, nel box “Scegliere il servizio di posta elettronica”, cliccare sulla voce “Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, HTTP”; Cliccare su “Avanti”; Nella nuova schermata impostare un flag sulla voce “Configura manualmente le impostazioni del server o tipi di server aggiuntivi” e cliccare su “Avanti”; Selezionare “Posta Elettronica Internet” e inserire i seguenti dati nei campi richiesti: Nome: nome da visualizzare come intestazione delle e-mail su Outlook; Indirizzo di posta elettronica: indirizzo e-mail da consultare su Outlook; Tipo di account: a scelta tra POP, IMAP, HTTP; Server posta in arrivo: (esempio; Server posta in uscita (SMTP) (esempio; Nome Utente: il_tuo_indirizzo_email (esempio: [email protected]); Password: password account; Vai su “Altre Impostazione” in basso a destra e clicca su “Server della posta in uscita” e seleziona “Il server di posta in uscita (SMTP) richiede l’autenticazione. Vai su “Impostazioni Avanzate” e: seleziona “Il server richiede una connessione crittografata (SSL) Server di posta in arrivo (POP3): 995 Server di posta in uscita (SMTP): 465 In “Utilizza il tipo di connessione crittografata seguente:” seleziona SSL Infine, cliccare su “OK” e in seguito su “Fine” per completare la procedura di configurazione.

Configurazione di Windows Mail?

Fai clic su Add (Aggiungi). Scegli l’opzione E-Mail Account (Account e-mail) e fai clic su Next (Avanti). Inserisci Display name (Nome da visualizzare) e fai clic su Next (Avanti). Inserisci l’indirizzo e-mail e fai clic su Next (Avanti). Seleziona POP3 e inserisci (esempio: in Incoming mail (POP3) server (Server della posta in entrata (POP3)). Come server della posta in uscita(SMTP), inserisci (esempio: e spunta la casella Outgoing server requires authentication (Il server in uscita richiede l’autenticazione). Fai clic su Finish (Fine). Configurazione porte in Windows Mail Seleziona l’account appena creato e fai clic sul pulsante Properties (Proprietà). Seleziona la scheda Advanced. In Outgoing mail (SMTP) (Posta in uscita), indica 465 e seleziona This server requires a secure connection (SSL). Come Incoming mail (POP3) (Posta in entrata), inserisci 995 seleziona This server requires a secure connection (SSL). Fai clic su OK.

Specification: nomeItalia

Control Panel


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