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Short service description for vKios.com

vKios, established in 2005, is an Indonesia-based e-commerce platform comparable to Shopify and BigCommerce. It offers hosting and e-commerce features tailored to meet the needs of Indonesian e-commerce entrepreneurs. A key goal of vKios is to provide an affordable online shopping solution in Indonesia. The platform has supported numerous high-ranking e-commerce stores, which are showcased on its website along with their Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings. For more details please see “Web Hosting Review for vKios.com” article.

vKios differentiates itself by offering a hosted e-commerce shopping cart without cPanel or shell access, focusing on simplicity and ease of use for those with little to no technical experience. It offers up to 10,000MB of storage space and unmetered bandwidth, along with 200 free templates for website design, although these may not be as modern as those available on WordPress or Magento.

The platform includes features such as free domain registration, free SSL certificates on top-tier plans, and marketing features like discounts, vouchers, and coupons. Additionally, vKios provides unique features like a wholesale price option for bulk purchases and the ability to process payments from drop shippers.

vKios’s pricing is competitive, and while it may not offer the robustness of other major e-commerce solutions, it remains a suitable option for Indonesian users. Customer support is available six days a week, and the platform can be contacted via phone, WhatsApp, live chat, or emailā€‹.

Package and Price Range

Package NamePrice Range
Shared Hosting$3.19 - $5.40

Shared Hosting Pricing Package and Features

Space: 500.02 MB
Bandwidth: 10.04 GB
Panel: No
Number of Sites: 1
Space: 749.98 MB
Bandwidth: 19.97 GB
Panel: No
Number of Sites: 1
Business Basic
Space: 2 GB
Bandwidth: 30 GB
Panel: No
Number of Sites: 1
Business Premium
Space: 10 GB
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Panel: No
Number of Sites: 1

Web Hosting Review for vKios.com

vKios.com is likely a web hosting provider that offers a range of services to cater to various online needs. This Web Hosting Review for vKios.com aims to highlight what one might typically expect from a comprehensive web hosting service.

1. Variety of Hosting Services

In this Web Hosting Review for vKios.com, a crucial aspect to consider is the variety of hosting options they might offer. Quality providers typically provide shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting, dedicated hosting, and possibly cloud hosting solutions. These services cater to different requirements, from hosting personal blogs to supporting large-scale business platforms.

2. Performance and Reliability

Another important factor in this Web Hosting Review for vKios.com is performance. A reliable hosting provider should offer excellent performance with a strong uptime guarantee, typically around 99.9%, ensuring that websites are reliably accessible with minimal downtime.

3. Security and Backup Features

Security measures are paramount, and in this Web Hosting Review for vKios.com, expected features would include SSL certificates, regular backups, and advanced security protocols to protect websites against cyber threats and ensure data integrity.

4. Customer Support and Services

Good customer support is essential for any hosting service, and vKios.com likely values this aspect. Look for a provider that offers comprehensive support through various channels, ensuring that any technical issues can be addressed promptly.

5. User-Friendly Interface

Ease of use is a critical factor in this Web Hosting Review for vKios.com. A user-friendly control panel for managing hosting services is a must-have, especially for users without extensive technical knowledge.


To conclude this Web Hosting Review for vKios.com, while specific details about their services are not available, a competent web hosting provider should offer a blend of diverse hosting options, reliable performance, robust security, excellent customer support, and user-friendly interfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answer

Can I modify the program?

First we will study first, the features you want need to edit the program or not. If so, sorry, we do not serve program modifications. We do this policy to standardize the vKios version. Thus, if there is a new upgrade from vKios, we will update the website of all vKios clients. If indeed the features you need are useful for vKios development, we will add them in future versions šŸ™‚

What is Space?

Dalam konteks hosting, space adalah tempat untuk penyimpanan file-file website kita. Ibaratnya kita menyewa harddisk di server hosting. Semakin banyak foto atau file yang kita taruh di hosting, maka sisa space akan semakin berkurang. Karena itu, sebaiknya foto diresize terlebih dahulu. Sedangkan file bisa dikompres dengan menggunakan program kompresi seperti WinZip. Banyak yang menanyakan apakah space 50 MB cukup? Cukup kalau Anda mengupload foto dengan kualitas web. Foto yang diambil dengan kamera digital ukurannya sangat besar karena memang untuk dicetak (print quality). Karena itu, jika Anda menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, resizelah terlebih dahulu foto Anda. Setelah itu, klik menu Save for web. Ukuran foto Anda akan menyusut dengan drastis tanpa mengurangi kualitas yang akan ditampilkan di layar monitor.

What is Bandwidth? Can it run out?

“Bandwidth adalah seberapa banyak (kilobyte) jumlah data yang mengalir dari server ke pengunjung. Misal, jumlah keseluruhan halaman depan kita adalah 100 KB (HTML & semua elemennya). Jika ada 10 orang yang mengakses halaman ini maka bandwidth yang terpakai adalah 1.000 KB. Semakin banyak kunjungan ke website Anda maka bandwidth yang dibutuhkan semakin besar. Pada umumnya, jika bandwidth melebihi quota maka website tersebut akan otomatis terblokir sementara hingga awal bulan. Namun kami selalu memantau penggunaan bandwidth tiap website. Jika ada website yang bandwidth-nya akan melebihi quota, kami akan segera mengabari Anda dan menawarkan untuk upgrade ke paket yang lebih besar. Jika Anda setuju maka paket akan segera kami upgrade supaya akses tetap lancar. Biaya upgrade akan dihitung secara prorata.”

Can I host the script elsewhere?

Mohon maaf, kami tidak melayani penjualan script saja. vKios.com adalah penyedia layanan toko online yang terintegrasi dengan hosting. Jadi hostingnya harus di server kami. Dengan dukungan server dan network yang handal, Anda mendapat ketenangan dengan up time dan reliability yang tinggi.

Does vKios serve logo creation?

“Previously we informed that the logo is different from the header. We only serve header creation and provide 1 free header design for new websites. We do not provide logo creation. Examples of headers are: contoh header Examples of logos are: sample logo You can search for logo creation services on Google. Usually the cost starts from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah.”

Specification: vKios.com

Disk Space

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